Flame (1)

Thursday — March 21

Heavy breathing and sensual moaning filled the inside of the Escalade that was parked outside of The Manor. Gael rained wet kisses on Angela's damp neck and chest as he slowly pulled out of her, his cock still semi-erect in the air, glistening from both of their cum—a trail of it stretching between them.

"Mmm…" She moaned, her legs still shaking from the intense orgasm, not more than a minute ago. About to close her legs, she gasped when he slid his tongue down her body, and his face settled between her legs, lapping her up like he didn't want to waste any of her.

"God, I missed you so much, baby," he murmured between licks, his tongue and lips warm and soothing against her sensitive skin.

"I missed you too," she purred, sighing. They hadn't seen each other for two days because Gael had to take a quick trip to another state yesterday morning. Perry was supposed to do it, but the man still hadn't shown up to work since Monday.