Flame (5)

The punch was so hard that Filippo fell on his side. Gael only had a second to snap his head to where he saw Angela, only to see the empty space. Was it just his imagination? God, that better not be the case.

"Gael, look out!" Angela's voice rang somewhere from the side, but as much as he wanted to turn his head in the direction of her voice, his instincts pulled his attention back to Filippo—just in time to see the gun pointed at him.

Gael dove in and pushed the gun up, the shot fired towards the ceiling, causing debris to fall around them. He wouldn't put it past Filippo to kill him right now, despite his hunger for the money he insisted Gael owed him for. Filippo was a psycho with a real temper. You just couldn't reason with crazy.

With brute force, Gael slammed Filippo's hands to the hard floor once, twice, thrice until they released the gun, and it clattered away. It was a battlefield on the dance floor, everyone around him fighting for their lives.