The Novikovs (2)

The loudest scream in the room came from Anika. She shot up from her seat, looking so horrified and unable to do anything else except scream when the tip of Ivan's little finger was detached from his hand as the cleaver sliced it off. "Papa!!!" Anika cried, slapping her hands over her mouth.

Cynthia also cried out, so very pale as she ran towards her husband. She gaped in horror, pushing the soldiers away. Her hands trembled as she hurriedly wrapped a table napkin around the wounded finger. Then she picked up the detached fingertip from the table and tossed it into an ice bucket. 

Blood had splattered everywhere, onto the food and the nearby tableware—the Pakhan's most especially—but he didn't flinch at all, his face looking contemptuous as he watched his daughter and son-in-law.