
I take back what I said. I'd love to have another baby with Angela, but after witnessing her go through seven hours of labor, I don't think she's ready for another one any time soon and neither do I. It felt crippling to watch her in pain and not be able to do anything about it except let her crush my hand that I seriously thought she would break.

If only I could endure all that pain in her stead, I'd do it. 

But Angela was impressive. How impressive? She was cursing here and there—both the dirty way and the Angela way—whenever there was a contraction.

And when she had a few minutes break, she wrote all the shit she experienced, telling me it was first-hand writing material for her future books. My Angel is a little crazy, but I fucking love that about her. 

When she wrote: The worst menstrual cramp as the first statement in her notes, I had to ask what that felt like, considering I don't have a uterus and a vagina.