Awakening Again

Inside a Cultivation chamber, is where everything starts again. Inside the room, a plot was foiled easily by the settings of the Reap System. It protected its partner as they both slept to get ready for the future and Ren's awakening. Going through its sphere of influence setting up quests that were available.

Reap System: False soul under attack from the formation. Has been rebuffed. Ren under mental attack. Waking up now ahead of time.

Ren was an average looking teen by all accounts. A certain look in his eyes that were playful and full of mischief. Something that could never be hidden by the false soul.

"Ughhh why me?" Ren grumbled. Looking around the chamber, he could see a few other "dead" people around. "Tch, not letting this go to waste. Good old criss-cross applesauce sitting." Placing his hands on his thighs, Ren engaged his System. 'Reap System, do your thing.'

Reap System: Collecting Souls, Ion, and languages. Back to calling me System again? Still mad about the last life.

*Woom, woom!* A gray, black, and white line left from Ren. The lines went through the bodies and the surroundings gathering the "resources" appropriately. The souls were snatched out and pulled inside to a certain dimension. The Ion energy was drained from the body's cores. Completely before they could dissipate returning to the surroundings. The brain cells were stripped of thoughts and memories and stored away as well.

'So they tried to kill me eh? Jokes on them. They killed the false soul and set me free early. How nice of them.' Ren kept his thoughts to himself as he rebuilt his cultivation back up. Slowly he went from the basic Realm. Ion Gathering Rank 1-12 with ease. 'Hah starting from scratch is always such fun. Reap what is the scenario available this time?'

Reap System: It seems that you are an Inheriting Disciple. These people were paid off to kill you during this group Dual Cultivation. They succeed in killing your false soul for your Vessel, however the memories are still intact. No boost to your soul this time. Additional awards have been given for the mess up. Option to be just an Inheritng disciple and take it easy still. Take over the Sect and establish a new Order. Or...

'Or what?'

Reap System: Do whatever you want. You have earned it. I will push as needed of course.

Reap was going through the memories as it spoke with Ren. A few things had sent up flags in a few of the people's soul. The souls were not ordinary and need to be taken care of delicately than normal.

'Let's do whatever we want.' Ren answered. He thought about just doing willy nilly for once could be fun. After countless millennia doing other things, by other's choice and quest options, he felt just going with the flow would be fun. 'Take everything at a time. It should be interesting, to say the least. Rando things sound fun and do keep me entertain.'

Reap System: Opening Random package option.... 12 Gathering Pills, 12 Pillar forming Pills, 12 Realization Pills, 12 Reformation Pills, 12 Breaking Bond Pills, 12 Burning Elixers, 12 Frost Elixers, 12 Bolt Elixers, 12 Gale Elixers, 12 Stone Elixers, 12 Light Elixers, 12 Dark Elixers, Large Internal Space, 12 Random Skills.

'Hmm, thats nice. I guess it was designed to help me raise ''Followers'' this time. Oh well, time for that later.' Ren cleaned out his body and opened his apertures wide to take in the Ion energy. Instantly several microscopic holes opened on his body. While he was at it, he pulled on a technique he couldnt use last time.

"Unlimited Glands" the body Sweat Glands were repurposed to allow additional energy to be received. With the body having over 2-5 million already, he was able to create additional where he wanted with the energy he currently has available. He aimed for his back which already had the least amount.

"Ahh shit!" Slowly his skin and flesh underneath tore and reformed itself. An additional 2 million opened up and would allow for him to take in Ion energy twice as fast if not three depending on how his body shaped after this. 'Reap, go ahead and return more of the Ion energy now.'

Reap System: Returning Ion energy now. Split evenly between Cultivation base network and.... Alert... The door is getting ready to open. Implementing safeguards to help fool the Sect members.

'Time to go night-night.' Ren thought right as the energy flooded his body. He instantly dropped and started writhing uncontrollably. When the others came inside, they would find his body convulsing in pain and twitching nonstop. The Reap System maneuvered everything in a way for the blame to fall on the Group Dual Cultivation Gathering going wrong.

*Crack!* The door opened as several seals flew out the way and the barrier dropped. A few disciples ran in and went to everyone.

"We have a survivor!" A disciple yelled. The others grabbing the other bodies to try and save any of the others. The only other surviving member happened to be the Servant boy that was there to take care of them. He could say nothing as he was out cold the entire time.

An Elder walked in fuming mad. He turned to look at the other three Elders behind him. "Your little plan backfired. Now, look at us, out of several disciples. Pray my nephew survives this. Or I will enjoy ripping you three apart." His voice was unwavering as he spoke. "If he does not live... I Ranaldo swear to the heavens to eradicate your kin!" He followed behind Ren and the disciples that took him away.

"Hmph, you old fart. Soon you won't be able to threaten anyone." The Second Elder said. Both he and the other two were a ranks lower and could not hope to match the man in combat. Ronaldo was in the Broken Bonds Realm Rank 12. In the process of the Second stage reforming the Bonds back. Most Pure Warrior Cultivators were dangerous.

The other Elders focused on the more profitable paths. It did not help, that their focus was on multiple other paths. But they could hold him off long enough to escape. "Find out what went wrong!" The Elder orders one of the disciples.

"Haaa be happy there is no link to us." The Third Elder said. He walked forward and surveyed everything over. "No struggle at all really. What could have gone wrong?" He walked and grabbed the plate in the middle. But it was risky using this Strange Formation Plate we found in the tomb. The poison did not work either I am afraid." His eyes scanned the room once more, stopping on the errand boy in the room. A plant for their bidding nothing more. Then again, something was different. "This boy has turned from a Mortal to peak Gathering Realm!" His thoughts running countless scenarios over. Ways to use this to his advantage.

"That is not worth the disciples we lost!" 1st Elder said. "I am done helping you fools. Consider our Alliance done with." Walking inside, he picked up his two daughters. "Forgive this foolish old man. I only looked to end your suffering. I guess I have in a way." Looking at their eyes that will never open again, hot tears fell down his cheeks. He turned into Ion energy and flew away to mourn. The thought of telling his other daughters far from his mind.

"Well.. there goes our help." Second Elder said. "He won't say anything else. Especially with fear of his other two daughters having the same disease. Haa this is a fine mess. How are we going to explain this to the others?"

"I.. do not know. Blame it on the Strange Formation Plate?" The Third Elder said. "We need to lay low for a bit. " The Elder grunted agreeing as the scene was cleaned up. "Haa we need to hurry before the neighboring Sects decide to change the power dynamics in the area."

A few disciples shivered when they heard that and worked even harder. Whenever there is a change-up in the power structure, they were the first to deal with the problems. Heading out to do missions for other Sects to appease them. Gaining no real resources. The Sect was going down hill even faster recently. Along with the Empire due to the increase in the poison going around.

- At Ren's house-

"He is fine. Just his cultivation was destroyed." The Apothecary said. "However he has already rebuilt it. The basic Gathering Realm anyway. It is even stronger than before. I reckon he will be right as rain in a few days." Excusing herself, she left fearful of the information she now carried. Her thoughts focused on staying alive and away from power struggle issues. 'Time to pull some strings before those bastards come after me.'

"Ahh dear nephew.. what to do now?" Ren's uncle Ranaldo sighed. "If your father and mother didnt leave a few months ago, this could have been avoided. I swear Treasure seeking will be the end of them. That brother of mind cares to much the Sect and not enough for his children." Getting up, he wrote a missive and left the room. Sealing it behind himself. Only way it would open, is if Ren did it himself. 'I need to consolidate my Realm soon. Those fools might try something.' Waving his hand, he sent two messages to his disciples to watch over Ren just in case. With that, he left.

- Inside the room-

"Ahhhh!" Ren stretched his arms waking up. "Much better." With a flick of his hands, his Ion energy swept the room for any bugs or probes. He found none. 'A pure Cultivator World? Man thats new for me. No major Tech here. Oh well, glad I started Cultivating the basics only in that room. Reap how much energy is inside me?'

Reap System: Enough to return to the bodies' former Realm. I have fooled the others as needed. You need only to choose a Cultivation Manual Primary.

'Alright, you choose one this time.' Ren changed his clothes to something he was more comfortable with. A set of black cultivator pants and a thermal shirt with a button-down blue vest. No sleeves for now. He needed to make sure Reap did nothing to drastic and ruin the clothes. 'Do not pick one of the crazy ones either.'

Reap System: Very well then... selecting from new ones now... let's see...getting you some wings...and.. maybe..claws.. a little fur as well.

Ren stopped and grinned. Reap loved the dramatic scenes at times. A big fan of go big and crazy, over small and simple at most times. Whatever he decided would most likely turn weird at the end. One time he allowed it to pick he gained big yellow feathers and a beak. Reminded him of a story his parents red to him back on Earth. If they were not in a world full of monsters, he would have been horrified at the time.

Reap System: Found one. Vampiric Devil. Applying Bloodline and Manual now.

"Grrrr.." Ren growled as his canines grew. His fingernails then turned to points and sharpened. He could feel a tail outstretch from his backside. "Oi this better not get me hunted down! That was ok for two lifetimes not a third."

Reap System: Your Sect is a non-discrimination Sect. You will be fine. Also, your mother has Devil blood in her. This works in your favor. Your father had an unknown genetic strain as well. New behavior can be blamed on Bloodline awakening. So... praise me, partner .. praise me.

"Pftt hahaha." Ren started laughing. 'Ok ok, good job. Least it did not hurt this time. Alright time to consolidate the rest of this energy.' In a matter of hours, Ren had the Ion energy under control again as he needed. He was back at the Realization Realm fully. At Rank 4 stable at that. 'Clean up and Store.'

*Woosh!* Saying the mental command, the Reap System took away all the bacteria and foreign objects on his body. He was now as clean as he could get.

Reap System: Branding ability returned and usable. Current knowledge that has resurfaced profected now.

Status: Ren Nebunie

Race: Traveling Reaper

Realm: Realization Realm Rank: Four

Occupation: Apothecary Rank Silver, Elixer Rank Gold, Inscriptionist Rank Silver

Manual: Vampiric Devil Mastered, Fan Mastered, Sword Mastered, Claw Mastered, Bow Mastered, Strings Mastered

Reaper System Functions: Gray Line collect souls, Black Line collect Ion, White Line collect mental information, Gold Line Branding

'Hmm a lot of my stuff has been removed. Guess I can recover that stuff later.' Ren cleaned up his mental space and thought about what to do next. He needed a few underlings to serve under him. 'With the Inscrptioning, I can then apply the Gold Line Branding underneath. Best way to keep them from spilling my secrets and betraying me most importantly.' Closing his eyes and gathering new Ion energy, he thought of plans that the Reap System would then turn to Quests for him to do.

Reaper System: Reciting information to update you as needed.

Gathering Realm: Mortal take in Ion energy from the surroundings to augment their bodies. Usually, last for a year for those with out resources or any manual. At each rank, the body innately understands more about Ion energy and receives it as needed. It can help stave off food and water consumption.

Pillar Realm: The mortal moves and has a better understanding of Ion energy and is able to shape it into attacks and different methods to defend themselves. Different occupations can now be used with the qualitative change in the mind. The mind can dive into the greater use of things.

Realization Realm: The mortal is no more as the body takes on different characteristics of their main Cultivation manual.

'Hmm not bad. Anything of note from the knowledge from the others?'

Reap System: Not really yet. However a lot of material for blackmail and extortion. Oh.. a few low-level techniques that have fused with others you have read. The manuals they have are... weird. I think it best we make it to the library when you have the chance. This will make for some very interesting new developments.

'Right.' Ren return his full focus to cultivating and going through the fighting abilities he knew. 'I will go during the next few days. the library should shed light on some things.'

- 3 days later-

Ren was outside socializing with the other disciples. A few asked questions that he feigned being to uncomfortable to even answer. They got the hint and stopped asking. Well almost everyone. One person made a stink and promised to come back later to cause trouble after Ren broke his leg feeling annoyed.

One thing Ren made sure to do, was to memorize all the memories and rules that were unspoken in the little groups. From the ones that were killed in the chamber the other day. Supplementing his own memory with that info he was not worried. Only problem he would have, is with the Inner Elders and Core disciples. Other's he could kill easily with no problem. And as for the Elder's he had ways of dealing with them. Beautiful delicious blackmail baby. Or poison like that they had never seen before.

Right now they were going to oversee the Outer Sect Disciples. All around were a bunch of fresh starters and those who really knew nothing of Cultivation. As an Inheriting Disciple, Ren could have underlings under him. They just had to obey the rules the same as others. The core Disciples were able to have some as well. Inner Disciples were able to have three, and if you were a really powerful Outer Sect disciple, you could have one of your own.

"The lot of them suck." A core disciple said. A few others agreeing with him. Ren said nothing. They went out to get a few, but a few disciples turned them down. The kids were smart and knew not to get involved with certain people. A few of the stronger ones however agreed. They figured a way to deal with upstart pampered Core disciples. Especially ones who received their position from parents and favors. These core disciples were not strong and used to using influence.

"Cough cough!" A few disciples had the sickness. Only way they were going to live longer, is by breaking through quickly. They were desperate and ripe for the taking of bad disciples. They spotted Ren and walked over to him. A boy was pushed out front. He placed his hand to his chest in a salute.

"Sir we.. I... cough cough!" The boy was to fearful really to talk. "I.. we.."

"Hmmm sure. I will take the lot of you. Your new names are One, Two, Three, Four and Zero." Ren said. He turned to walk away. "Follow me now. Later Core Disciples." Giving them a wave, he didnt care if they heard him or not. Which they didnt. Another boy watched from the side. He wanted to speak with Ren but stopped scared.

"I will go to him later." The boy mumbled. He left to go and try to break through again. 'His family will cause so many problems if he is not careful.'

Ren was just deciding if things would go better or not. Especially with the Elders all being kind of weak. Most were in recovery from some incident that took place. One that had them all scrambling for more resources. He also found out that a lot of the Continent had its Ion Energy sealed away. A gate that leads to the "Mainland" area was part of it. When the gate opened the area would change.

More Ion Energy and more problems. Such as beast and small breaking points all over from the influx. It was a time of celebration. As well as a time of discord from the rampaging loose cultivators and monsters that would break through.

"Umm, so the name One means what exactly?" The kid named One asked.

"Exactly that. I do not want to know your names until you have value." Ren said as they walked. "What I want, is obedience and for you to listen when I tell you to do something. Follow those instructions, you will have the power and strength to do as you please. Hehe long as you do not cross me of course. You have until we make it to my current abode to change your mind."

"Are.. we.. cough.. going to have to do.. perverted stuff?" The girl named Three asked. The others shivered remembering some of the cultivation manuals that existed. They did not want to become a "cauldron" or a "furnace" for anyone. "I do not want to do that." She reminded Ren of a hamster. The girl Three had her hands up to her face. Palms under her chin fretting.

"Hmm no. However if one of you decides to be an Assassin, you will learn the Seduction Arts. That is a requirement." Ren said amused. "What you do in your personal time, is on you. Do not cause trouble for me. Follow the rules and my orders and all will be well." They walked for another four minutes and stopped. "So any takers?"

"I have the sickness. It will take longer for me to grow stronger." Zero said. He was a boy with slightly longer arms. But a strong determination to just be from of that problem.

"I do to.. I am also pretty dumb." Four said. He was a small kid that looked almost emaciated.

"Hmm, that is fine. I have eyes boy, I can see that you two are sick. And Zero over their has damaged "Points" in his body." Ren looked at them eyes glistening in mischievous intent. "Those all are things I have taken into account. Now, will you bend the knee or not to me?"

"I.. will bend." Four then Three said. One, Two and Zero said immediately after.

"Good." Ren waved his hand and placed a sheet over them each. "Remove those filthy clothes and follow me. One of the reasons you all are sick is from that." They did so and followed him into a side room. Once the last stepped across it, he sealed the room behind them. "Touch the stone and it will reveal your affinity to you. The faster you do these things, the faster you can start cultivating."

"Affinity is what?" Two asked.

"It is what your body is most susceptible to. It can change with the right ingredients. Something you gather on your own if you want to change it to something else. To much work to do so." Ren said plainly. "As well as your mental Affinity. Sometimes, things just do not work no matter how hard you try. To change those are even harder."

"Um!" One grabbed hold and felt something enter him. It ran through his body smashing the blockage inside his apertures. The boy wanted to scream in pain but found he could not. "Uuhh uhh!" Saliva dripped from his mouth. The others backed away in fear. Two, however, stepped forward. She saw the scars heal on him and wanted to be healed herself.

"Um!" Two grunted in pain as she grabbed ahold of the stone with both hands. This caused it to go faster. But also hurt more. "Uhhh, uhhh!" She fell forward, her head touched the stone and she was out like a light. The others touched it next. The same results happening. With a wave of his hands, Ren healed One and Four. Then he moved them away.

Reap System: Mission Succesful: Five Followers obtained. Engravings emplaced. Follower clothing obtained as a reward choice. Boost loyalty and growth when worn.

"Excellent," Ren said. His hands steepled togethor as he went through the information he obtained. The stone reveals their affinity, but also allowed the Reap System to go through their memories and body. "Well time to clear the rest of the damage inside them." Ren's hands outstretched as nails shot out to each of them. 'To think I can absorb disease and poisons to improve my cultivation. Not bad at all.'

- A day Later-

Ren was in his room as the Follower's were training in the living room. A person approached his door and gently knocked.

*Thunk Thunk.* It was Four.

"Come in." Ren answered. He just finished circling his Ion energy. He was now rank 5 thanks to their sickness that he had taken. Borderline on hitting into 6th rank. "What is it Four?"

"Well... their is a disciple out here to challenge you. He won't go away. Three is getting ready to go and kill him. She hasnt though. Since your orders were for us not to engage them." Four body looked full and able. He actually looked like a boy of 12 years old. His hair was a dark brown and his complexion reminded Ren of a Brazilian man he once knew. "What do you want us to do?"

"I will take care of it. Continue training. How is the reading coming along?" Ren was curious if the boy adapted to the info well enough. The white line from the Reap System was able to transfer the information it acquired as well. Ren had it transfer the mental faculties to restore Four's thinking process. As well as pass on Pill Making to him. Since his Affinity was with Earth, that would be his job. Herbs and Pills.

"It is good. Thank you for granting me the ability to read and write. As well as the .."

"One thank you was enough." Ren smiled at him and cut him off. "Go back to your studies."

"Right." Four left to do just that. Ren made it at the front of his home. Well, the parents home anyway. A few disciples were there ready to cause trouble.

"You should all leave. I have already reported you to the Disciplinary Hall. Any furthur action and you will have forfeited your life." Ren said with a smile. It looked anything but a smile, however. It was chilling with the look of his silver eyes. 'Ah, the fun is starting already. I wonder what will come after this?'