Small Problem Dealt With Quickly Part 3

-Three days later-

"Ren!" Three yelled. "The dumbasses are back!"

"Haaa this is so stupid." Ren got up and walked outside. The others following with.

He just finished giving them a small lecture on the Gathering Realm. Reasons on why they should remain in the realm, till they have decided all the most important aspects of Cultivation they wanted to do. Ren gave them A primary manual, an occupation, and a weapon choice. Everything else was up to them to add themselves.

"Time to get rid of some more bugs." Three smiled. "Can I go fight them?" Her cultivation had changed her a good deal and gave a more fiery personality. Slowly she was becoming who she wanted to be along with it. 'I can not sit back. I have the strength to fight back now!'

The rest just shook their heads in dismay. She was battle crazy and didnt really listen to anyone but Ren. She could also back it up, since she had the Ion energy of someone at the peak of the Pillar realm. Despite the fact, she was still in the Gathering Realm. At rank 6 at that. Both she and Two seem to get a lot of attention from Ren. But the most doted on was Four.

Four spent most of his time went Ren. They did not think Ren would be such a chatterbox. He could talk for hours about anything they asked him. He also listens to anything they had found out with interest. three said Ren reminded her of a curious child. His only response was despite his age he was a child in front of others. His tone had shifted and made them think twice about asking what that meant.

Outside were a few Lan family Cultivators. They were upset by the looks of it. Behind them was an Outer Sect Elder. A cripple by the name of Lan Kung. He was a cripple from a fight with a cultivator that cost him a drop in several Realms. The Sect did not want to punish the man after all his good work over the years. He was given a good position as an Outer Sec Elder with a little power to help as he dealt with life.

The Sect a few good points about it still. Despite all the changes that happened over the years.

"Well now," Ren grumbled out. "..this is a fine howdy-do. A bunch of uninvited guests to donate their lives. I wonder what I should do about this?" His voice sounded to playful and caused a few of them to turn agitated.

"Why you?" A feisty girl stepped up. She was about 12 or so and a bit of a prodigy. Her name was Lan Mei. The sister of the Cultivator Ren killed about a week ago.

Elder Lan Kung felt a troubling sensation come from off Ren. 'No way he started from the beginning. This is bad news. I do not wish to contend with his uncle when he exits his training. What to do?' Elder Lan Kung thought. He wanted to just come and have Ren apologize to soothe his niece.

Even though Ren did no wrong, he had to look over the young Lan members. A few Elders back home ere already asking why Ren was not dead yet. It was good the Patriarch of the Lan family was busy with something in the North.

Ren saw the troubled look on Lan Kung's face, he knew the man was pressured to come here. As a man who just wanted to live his remaining days in peace, Ren could respect the man's choice. Especially since Ren knew from the info from the Lan member he killed, that the Cultivator Lan Kung fought against, was one of his family members in disguise.

He was marked for death back then. Lan Kung just shined a little to much. That and he had the gall to challenge the clan's customs. Things the Elder's could not abide by. With the clan having deep ties like a few Chinese places Ren thought, the man's life had to be a little hellhole for his progressive thoughts.

But Lan Kung was so honorable that he could not stand for the old traditions any longer. With his favor growing with the II Emperor of the Empire, he would be able to bring about change in his clan. That could not be tolerated. The old Elders like things a little to much as they were. He was labeled unfilial and a heretic for his preaching.

Reap System: Recruit Lan Kung Reward: A Hand in the Shadows

"Hahahaha." Ren started to laugh as he thought about it more. The Reap System would only give him a task that had a chance. This was one of them. "Lan Kung.. did you find the man who injured you yet? I heard a rumor... that your clansmen were searching for you. A lot of time has passed already."

"Do not talk to my uncle!" Lan Mei yelled. "You need to offer your head for killing my esteemed brother!" She stepped forward ready to fight. Her family members following behind her. The little girl was blinded by the love of her brother and of that of Lan Quan.

"Pftt. The only thing will happen, is that I will add more ashes to my killing field." Ren flexed his Ion energy across the field. Each of them were under his murderous pressure. Lan Kung was the only one able to channel his energy correctly under it. "Lan Kung.. I will give you a chance. Just to help the Sect a little. Lan Mei's Father did this to you. If you go to your recently departed nephew's room, there is a panel under his bed with a book that contains the information on you and a few others. The boy was to keep tabs on you. To make sure you didnt look into things anymore."

"You lie!" Lan Mei yelled. She was not a prodigy for nothing. The others did not fare so well. Slowly they sunk to the ground.

*Crack!* With the opening of his fan, Ren increased the pressure with a wave.

*Whistle, whistle!* Two different pitches rang in the air. It was a distortion effect that tackled the synapses to the brain.

"Lan Kung, you have doubt do you not?" Ren asked. His voice lace with energy as he was trying out his Beguiling Art with the fan as well. Using only a little bit since Lan Kung may have lost a few realms but not his senses. "You should check and see."

"Enough!" Lan Kung yelled. His Ion energy counteracting Ren's own. Soon, he and the family disciples were free and could move. He grabbed Lan Mei as she stood to charge at Ren. "Disciple Ren... I will check on this, and return afterward to collect if you have lied." Lan Kung's eyes radiated malicious intent as he stared at Ren who stood unfazed. 'He is so sure he is right? He was even willing to kill everyone here to prove it.' Turning to prismatic light, they left Ren's courtyard in haste. It was better to not risk so many disciples.

"Hmm, I need more practice on this." Ren mumbled. The others behind him were appalled at his disregard for an Elder, let along with the Lan family. "Ah, it is a beautiful day. I think I will rest under the tree today." Walking over, Ren sat down and pulled out some tea and lemonade. He then started to cultivate slowly.

"Ummm, well shoot." Three said. "Thought we would see a blood bath today. She walked over and sat down and cultivated as well. One went inside to go study. Two trained in the courtyard. Four looked around absentmindedly. 'I should send word to that other guy. He would do well as number Five.'

"Hey, where did Zero go?" Two asked Four. He gave her a shrug not knowing. "If you do not see him later today, can you come and get me?"

"No problem. I will look for him while I go out actually." Four gave her a wave before leaving.

-Apothecary Hall-

"Excuse me, I am looking for the Elder that treated my Master Ren." Zero asked the receptionist. "I just wanted to let her know, Master gives his thanks."

"Ok. I will let her know. She is currently busy. But I will make sure she gets the message." The Receptionist smiled at Zero. Her eyes had tried to check his cultivation but she came back empty. 'Their is no way he is a mortal still. I wonder how he is able to hide so well?' She looked to the side and saw a member of the Lan clan come over. "Oh.. no.."

Lan Quan walked over strutting like he was top dog. A few Outer Sect Cultivators moved to the side to make room. They rather not deal with the crap from the clan. Zero, however, did not care.

"Move dog." Lan Quan said with disgust. Seeing the person in front not even budge mae him angry. "Do you not know who I am?" Reaching out he tried to grab Zero by the shoulder. "Huh?!"

*Woom!* His hand went right through Zero. Turning around, Zero moved through Lan Quan's body scaring him to know end.

"Ghost!" Lan Quan cried. He fell back on his butt and scampered backward. He watched as the ghost moved to the door unbothered by him. An Inner Sect disciple came from the back hearing the commotion.

"There is no ghost Mason." The receptionist said. "Just the crying of fat bastard. She looked down at Lan Quan in disgust. Her view of the young cultivator turning even worse than what it was before. "If you are going to make noise please leave. You are bad for business."

"Haaaa man. I was excitied for nothing." Mason said dejectedly. He pushed his blond hair out of his eyes into a ponytail. He was so excited about a ghost, he couldn't stop himself. "Going back now."

"Hello, Lan Su." The receptionist called the young woman as she walked in. She was suprised to see Zero with her. "What can I get for you today?"

"Just turning these in for some points. Give me the usual again." Lan Su handed over a bag full of ingredients. She spent quite a few days with Zero preparing them for trade. "I will have another batch next week." Lan Su grabbed the bag and left.

"You think the bigger ones will work better?" Zero asked her. He leaned against the counter thinking over all the time he spent helping her catch the things. "I mean a bigger Bunny Wraith should work better right? So more points."

"I have know idea." Lan Su answered. She was already looking at the Medicine Hall's mission book. "Maybe if it turns out better, we can just hunt for the bigger ones afterward then. If they are not worth the hassle, then no reason to change things up."

"You sound like Master Ren. Slightly lazy." Zero smiled. His white teeth causing Lan Su to fidget a little. She was two years older than him, and knew a few things he didnt. "I will ask him a better way to get the Wraiths."

"It is ok. try not to bother him about it. You already have gotten enough from him." Lan Su said quickly. She did not want Zero causing a problem. She rather he worked hard and slowly to get Ren's trust. "We have enough to steadily grow stronger. You need to actually recover still."

"I told you already, I am fine." Zero face twitched a little. "Master Ren took care of my problem ay one. As long as I cultivate for an hour at night, everything will be fine in the future." Behind them, Lan Quan could not take it anymore. He hated seeing the calm friendly atmosphere the two had.

"Hey Lan Su, I think it is time to pay you back for my ear." Lan Quan said threating her openly. "Come back to the Lan area with me. My dad wants to talk with you." Lan Su face paled. She thought his father was to busy to come bother with her. She had applied for an Elder position in the Sect to help raise her status.

"No. As you know I applied for a young Elder position. I am sure your father would not want to cause a problem for you mother. Would he?" Lan Su played her only card available.

"I do not care. I said come with me. My father will deal with that later." Lan Quan was sure it would be ok. "You wouldn't get the Elder position anyway. Heard you have been sick the last few days." A smirk playing on his face. He gave her a knowing look.

"You did it... you sick.." Zero started to get angry. He was wondering why Lan Su was so lethargic lately. But with out proof, it would just be hearsay.

"What are you talking about?" Lan Quan shrugged. He glared at Zero before looking towards Lan Su. "Are you going to come or not? I am sure my dad can cure whatever trouble you have after you are disciplined of course."

"Um can you move out of my way please?" Four had asked coming inside. He spotted Zero entering the place with a disciple and walked over. Since he had other things to do, he took his time. "You are kind of blocking things."

"Who the hell are you?!" Lan Quan turned angrily at Four. Seeing the boys mousy appearance he figured it was just some nobody. "I am busy. So you can wait!"

"Ummm no." Four blinked a reached out to grab Lan Quan by the wrist. It was so fast that Zero was the only one that saw. "You are loud. Go to sleep."

*Thump!* With a slight disruption of Lan Quan's senses, Four had flooded his body with his own Ion Energy. He stared in interest to see what would happen.

"Oh well. Need more practice." Four stepped over Lan Quan's belly and looked at Zero. "Are you ok? We have not seen you for a few days and Two was asking about you."

"Yeah, just busy." Zero blinked a little at Four. He had know idea what happened but was glad Four had not changed to much. He was still clueless about things and just did things as normal for the most part. "I will head back later today."

"Ok." Four blinked then looked at Lan SU. "Master Ren told me if you ever need help to use this. He says you are a good influence on Zero. I do not know what that means." Four passed her a shirt. He then turned around and left. Stepping on Lan Quan's stomach. Outside he wondered if he did the technique wrong. 'Maybe I should have sent more inside?'

"COme with me you two." The receptionist called Lan Su and Zero urgently. She was beyond agitated but had a smile on her face. "My teacher wants to talk to you both." As soon as they left a cultivator poked the unmoving Lan Quan.

*Pppppuuuubbllllltttt!* Lan Quan farted so hard that the cultivators by the wall fainted.

"Oh by the Empress!" A cultivator hit the wall hard enough to actually go through it.

"What is all this noise?" Mason asked. He looked around and couldnt believe the amount of passed out people in the room. "What is going on?" A quick check after seeing the streak from Lan Quan's butt revealed a lot. "What did you eat? I must find out."

Mason dragged Lan Quan by the leg to the back. He would subject the boy to some very "special" treatment. With his big brother as the 4th Elder and one of the best Apothecaries, he could get away with offending a few Lan members.

- A few hours later-

"Ren!" A voice yelled from up above. The prismatic light turned into Lan Mei and Lan Kung. Lan Mei looked at the ground angry as her Uncle walked forward. "You were right." He threw a notebook down on the ground with information on it. "Your uncle wanted to bring it to my attention but the Lan family threaten him and his lover."

'Eh lover? Does the old man have a lover? Good for him I guess. Keeping secrets hehehe.' Ren inwardly chuckled. "So what will you do now? And why is that brat here?" Lan Mei bristled at that.

"Haaa I cut ties with the clan. In that notebook was a lot of other unsavory things." Lan Kung said defeated. "My niece decided to follow me in leaving the clan as well."

"I do not believe it." Two said. She looked at Lan Mei that looked over at her. "I say she is a spy, and will run back to daddy as soon as she can." She turned to Ren. "Ren, I and a few others were tormented by this little monster. She is not a good person. She is arrogant and bossy!"

"Hehehe.." Lan Kung chuckled wryly. He knew some of the things his niece had done. Not much he could do about it. Back in the day, he would have lined her out quickly. But to much interference from the clan members in the Sect. "She wants a new chance. The same as me."

"Oh?" Ren raised his eyebrow at that. "I tell you what? Abolish your cultivation Lan Mei and everything will be squared with me."

"What!?" Lan Mei hid behind her uncle. "I won't start over!"

"Surely there must be another way?" Len Kung asked.

"Of course, but I do not want to bother with the others. Besides, if she does your cultivation can be repaired." Ren said walking over. "However that would also require you to bend the knee to me. I do not do things unless I get something in return."

"What is to keep me from trying to kill you when I have my cultivation restored?" Lan Kung asked. He was not threatening but trying to figure out how the young cultivator would ensure his own safety.

"I have my ways." Ren gave him an evil smile. It sent shivers down Lan Kung's spine. "You have 2 minutes to decide."


"I will do it for uncle!" Lan Mei said. Stepping forward, she gathered her energy and sent it inward. Immediately cutting her apertures and sending her energy going out. "Ughhh!" Blood dripped from her lips as she did so. In her little mind, if her uncle was restored, he could defintely fix things in the clan. Thoughts only a child that knew nothing of the World could think.

The rashes of youth were very present in the girl. But that could easily turn to something more if guided correctly.

"Little Mei!" Lan Kung did not expect her to do it. Ren knew she would. Especially since he used his "beguile" on her when he got closer. Who would pass up the chance for this piece of drama?

Reap System: Oh my, how nice that energy is. I have collected it all and you just need to feed it to Lan Kung. Oh, you finished a small quest.

'Eh, what is it?' Ren watched with a smile at Lan Kung fretting over the little girl. 'I guess we can let him raise her as well.'

Reap System: Break an Old Man's heart: Lan Kung's heart is breaking at the sight of Lan Mei's sacrifice. Reward: Absolution Pill.

Absolution Pill: Breaks blood ties and spiritual ties that are placed on those who consume.

"Pftt. Step back and let me fix your cultivation. Then you can help your niece with hers. An even better one than the one she was usuing." Ren chuckled and tapped Lan Kung on the forehead. Slowly the Ion energy marked the man's forehead with a "brand" that seeped in. On the surface, it was an inscription pattern that helped protect against mental probing. "If you resist anymore, I will give her a shitty one."

"Ugghh do not hurt the child. She is innocent." Lan Kung grunted.

"First of all, do not tell me what to do." Ren said coldly. "Second a shitty art from me, is better than the one she has now." Finishing the inscription, he placed the Reformation Pill inside Lan Kung's mouth as well as the one formed from Lan Mei's cultivation destruction. "Oh cultivate diligently and you will be fine in a few days. Go into the back room. As for your niece, she will be fine." Ren placed an inscription brand on her and gave her a Gathering pill he made recently. Lan Kung walked inside with his niece.

"Umu.." Two walked over to him. "I still do not like her."

"Hahaha yeah, but she is now weaker than you." Ren chuckled a little. "Keep in mind, she might surpass you if you dont keep your cultivation up." As if a fire had been lit, Two burst with electricity as she broke through her stopgap. Just enough to tick her off a little in her soul. "Congrats on breaking through." Ren smiled and walked to sit back down.

"Haaaa." Two exhaled happily and looked over to Ren. "You.. did that on purpose." Ren nodded at her. "Why?"

"You are my Follower thats why. I need to provide stimulation for you. I have you each train inside to keep you from going out and dying foolishly. Once you are at adequate strength, we will go outside for some fun. With Lan Kung in the shadows, it will be even better as we jump into dangerous territory." Ren sucked a lemon as he waited.

"I see." Two went to the side and started to consolidate her realm. Ren flicked his sleeve creating A barrier around her. He was waiting for the reward for her breaking through.

Reap System: Follower Two has gained true loyalty. Lighting Bracelet awarded, Expansion pill awarded.

"Hmm sweat niceness there." Ren removed the bracelet from his inventory and threw it to Two. He popped the pill into his mouth. "Keep that on you at all times. Never, ever remove it. Even at the risk of death. It will help with your cultivation among other things."

"Thank you!" Two said happily. She then went back to cultivating. Slowly her hair turned white and her body grew more. About an inch added to her height and a 1/4 inch of muscle mass. "Grrrr." She growled as the silhouette of two-horned dragons appeared by her. She refined at she worked.

"Refine it steadily. Refining has a few things about it. You can do a blood refining that ties it to yourself and those in your bloodline. If someone with out your blood tries it, they will receive a backslash so strong, that the heavens will intervene and help kill them." Ren said slowly to her. "The other would be a spiritual one. This one is the easiest to remove. All you have to do is destroy the spirit mark on it. Even the lowliest of cultivators can chip it away with enough patience. Or cultivate the brand slowly for power. I do not recommend that way."

They stood on their hind legs and growled to the sky. More Ion energy gathered. If she could break into the Realization Realm in the next few months, it would be good. The bracelet lit up and helped speed up her understanding of her cultivation and fighting style. 'I will not get left behind again!' Steeling her resolve, she focused wholly on cultivating. 'More power!'

'Hmm, the Twin Horned Lighting Dragons... how nice to see them again. And so soon at that.' Ren thought about a memory before pushing it away. 'She really reminds me of her in every way.' As Ren settled in, Reap found a few nuggets of information that had all kinds of Quest options.

The Expansion pill was able to be taken once a realm. Doubling his already large Realization pool of energy, he could now defend against the Reformation realm Practitioners. Well, basic ones currently. Three peak Realization Realm Cultivators would be needed to make things difficult for him.

Reap System: Must dig a little deeper to be sure. Ren is going to lose it if I am wrong about this. I think it best to activate his curiosity a little more about this disease in the area. Quite a few sick people down below in the neighboring village.