Who Are You Calling Yours?


Initially, when he saw her bleeding, a touch of pity rose in his heart.

He had not expected her to be a virgin given her seven-year relationship with Wei Yankang.

His movements grew gentler, and he planted kisses all over her to soothe her emotions as his mind churned.

"But who's Gu Haoting? He's just a noble individual who only has to lay down a command to get his way.

"How can I possibly put up with this woman calling out another man's name?


"It hurts!" Huo Weiwu yelled as her eyes brimmed with tears. She grabbed his arm to stop him.

Gu Haoting instructed her sternly, "In that case, you better keep in mind who your man is."

Beads of perspiration rolled down his forehead and landed on his strong, firm chest, and his movements portrayed the thoughts in his head. "This is so insanely sexy. She knows that I'm the king and everyone's master."


The next morning, the pain in her body woke her up.

As she looked at her reflection in the mirror, her eyes narrowed.

"Did I encounter a perverted monster last night?" she thought.

Her entire body was covered with densely packed hickeys, even her thighs.

She had drunk too much last night and was suffering a memory lapse. "I can't even remember what that man looked like."

Gu Haoting had once warned her that if she ever cheated on him before they got married she would be doomed.

It would have been fine if she was the only person who would meet such a fate—that wouldn't worry her—but Gu Haoting had so much power that she was afraid he would punish her two older brothers, as well.

Huo Weiwu shuddered at the thought of Gu Haoting's ruthless face. "I need to hurry to the pharmacy to buy some morning-after pills," she thought.

She then discovered that the condoms supplied by the hotel were untouched on the nightstand.

"That man might not have worn one when we did it. Isn't he afraid that I might have a disease?

"Or is he the one with a disease and has given up on treatment and just doesn't care anymore?"

Huo Weiwu wanted to cry, but there were no tears.

To be safe, she hurriedly got dressed and went to the gynecological hospital for an examination. There she ran into the embrace of the white-clothed angel, begging for heaven to take mercy on her.


Once in the examination room, the middle-aged female doctor glanced at Huo Weiwu as she received her patient card and asked indifferently, "How old are you?"

"I'm 25 years old," responded Huo Weiwu. Her hands were placed by her sides and, with her face ruddy, she put on a calm façade while explaining, "I slept with a man last night so I came to check if I've been infected with anything."

The doctor stole another glance at Huo Weiwu and frowned slightly before sternly instructing her, "Remove your clothes and lie on the bed."

After Huo Weiwu was in position on the bed, she watched the doctor put on a pair of disposable gloves and then take out a new dilator and cotton swabs.

"How many times did the two of you do it last night?" the doctor asked after extracting a sample.

Huo Weiwu raised an eyebrow, thinking, "It would be strange if I could recall that detail."

"Once probably wasn't enough and his desire likely became uncontrollable after the first time...," she wondered.

When the doctor noticed Huo Weiwu's lack of response, she said, "Young woman, take care of your body instead of only caring about having fun. It's extremely red and swollen. I'll prescribe some anti-inflammatory ointment for you to apply daily. Stop when the swelling goes down. Fill out this form and get your examination results at the counter in one week."

"Okay. Thank you, doctor." Huo Weiwu grabbed the form and started filling it out at the side. The doctor summoned her next patient.

As she approached, the patient said, "Doctor, I want to reconstruct my hymen..."

An idea occurred to Huo Weiwu, and she burst out with a smile, "Doctor, I want to do that, too. Is it possible to penetrate it three days after the reconstruction?"

"Why would you be in such a rush right after reconstruction? What's the point of doing it, then? You should wait at least one week," the doctor said with a frown.

"One week works, too. It's better than nothing. I'll do it, too," Huo Weiwu declared having easily made the decision.

Hu Weiwu left the office, and the moment she stepped outside she caught sight of him.