Commander Is Furious, the Consequences Are Dire

The car cruised along the roads leading to Dragon Imperial City.

Huo Weiwu turned around to glance at the armored vehicle tailing them. The soldiers on that vehicle stared resolutely at her car.

Her eyes dimmed as she tried to figure out how she could escape their sight.

She turned back around and lightly tapped her fingers against her legs. Looking ahead, she asked indifferently, "Lieutenant Guo, guess what consequences would arise if I told Gu Haoting that you tried to rape me?"

Lieutenant Guo was startled by her question. He looked in surprise at Huo Weiwu's cold yet charming face and answered respectfully, "Commander is a smart man—He knows that I would never dare to touch his woman no matter what."

Huo Weiwu smiled and then leaned closer to Lieutenant Guo. With unhidden slyness in her eyes, she asked, "Then, what if I tell him that I've always admired Lieutenant Guo for his loyalty, honesty, gentlemanly nature, and the way he handles things? What do you think your leader would do?"

Panic flashed in Lieutenant Guo's eyes. His face blanched as he replied, "Commander would definitely transfer me to another place. Please, madam, I'm begging you to have mercy on me."

Huo Weiwu's smile grew even more radiant. She patted his shoulder and gazed ahead while adjusting her shirt. "Send your soldiers away for 10 minutes, okay?"

"If Commander finds out about this, I'll die without a proper burial," Lieutenant Guo replied with a frown.

Huo Weiwu turned around and leaned against the seat. She smiled enchantingly while calmly negotiating. "Who else will know if you don't speak a word about this? Or do you wish to be transferred to the margins and never make a name for yourself?"

"I understand," Lieutenant Guo nodded. "I can only give you 10 minutes."

"Smart man!" Huo Weiwu complimented him.

Upon arriving at Dragon Imperial City, Lieutenant Guo diverted the attention of his soldiers and sent them away as he trembled in fear.

Once in her apartment, Huo Weiwu speedily packed her important documents and some clothes and stuffed them into a suitcase. She put on her sunglasses and made her way to the elevator and downstairs to the car.

She put her suitcase in the back seat, slammed the door shut, and entered the driver's seat. After starting the car, she stepped on the accelerator and sped off.

She only allowed herself to relax when the car was on the highway. She lowered the window and allowed the wind to greet her, messing up her hair.

Huo Weiwu smiled and suddenly thought of the lyrics to a song called "Lonely Ballet": "Looking at you for the last time, I'm telling you goodbye... I've won."

While Huo Weiwu was basking in delight, she saw a traffic jam ahead.

Ten seconds later, she found herself blocked in by the car behind her, leaving her with no choice but to head to the exit.

When a patrol officer passed by, Huo Weiwu stopped him to ask, "Sir, what happened up ahead? How is it possible for the highway to be jammed?"

The officer replied, "A high-ranking leader is coming through, so all vehicles are temporarily stopped. You should exit here."

Huo Weiwu helplessly began exiting the highway.

Ahead of her, four armored vehicles were blocking the intersection, leaving only one accessible lane.

Huo Weiwu's bad premonition got even worse when another car was so close behind her that she couldn't back up, but after strengthening her resolve she continued driving forward.

When the car ahead of her was allowed to drive off, an armored vehicle blocked her path, forcing her to stop.

Lieutenant Guo emerged from one of the armored vehicles and walked toward Huo Weiwu. His face was pale as he told her, "I gave you 10 minutes, but after Commander received news that you got away, he sealed all the roads. There's no way you can escape. He is extremely furious right now, so you mustn't disobey him any further. Otherwise, the consequences are dire."

Huo Weiwu looked at Lieutenant Guo with narrowed eyes, panic flashing in them as she thought, "If Gu Haoting finds out that I've done what he told me not to do before our marriage, death is a certain punishment!"