You Bullied a Woman—Can You Still Call Yourself a Man?

It took 5 hours of continuous brushing for Huo Weiwu to finish brushing her teeth 100 times, with each cycle lasting three minutes.

By the time Huo Weiwu was done brushing her teeth, it was already past 11 at night.

She dropped her frayed toothbrush and walked out of the bathroom without saying a word.

In the beginning, Lieutenant Shang thought that the Commander's punishment was justified. He thought it was only right that he gave this arrogant woman a taste of his power.

Yet, Lieutenant Shang didn't feel good at all when looking at her swollen, sausage-like lips.

Her gums must have suffered tremendously from such intense brushing.

"The Commander said that you can eat after you are done brushing your teeth," Lieutenant Shang reminded her.

Huo Weiwu quirked her lips into a beautiful but aloof smile. Her gaze was icy.

She wasn't even talking right now, and she already felt like there were hundreds of knives in her mouth giving her tremendous pain.

She thought, "Eat?"

Too lazy to speak up, Huo Weiwu opened the main door and nodded outside, indicating that he could leave.

Lieutenant Shang nodded, looking as though he felt like he was in a difficult position. Still, he left.

Huo Weiwu slammed the door shut. Her fatigued body hit the bed, and she looked up at the wooden beams on her ceiling.

In the quietness of the late night, her feelings of loneliness surfaced.

She had no family, no lover, and even if she had friends, she couldn't meet with them in her current situation.

Only the people who were close to her would have felt any pain for her. Conversely, her enemies would feel good about her predicament. All she could do was hide at home and lick her wounds.

She missed her mother tremendously. She thought, "Wouldn't it be great if my mother could come to pick me up tonight and take me to heaven with her?"

Her phone rang. Huo Weiwu could not be bothered to answer it and shut her eyes.

She figured her mouth would stop hurting once she fell asleep.

After God knows how long, she felt something cool on her lips.

Huo Weiwu was not deeply asleep yet. She opened her eyes and saw Gu Haoting applying ointment to her lips.

She swatted at his hand and glared at him with fire in her eyes.

She did not need his concern.

Feeling annoyed, Gu Haoting's gaze grew stern. He grabbed her cheek forcefully and dipped his ointment-coated finger into her mouth so that he could apply it along her gums as well.

Huo Weiwu wanted to bite his finger.

However, he was holding her cheek too forcefully and she could not close her jaw.

She could taste the bitterness of the ointment. Unwilling to swallow it, she started drooling.

Gu Haoting only released her after he was done with applying the ointment for her. He grabbed a few tissues and wiped away the drool for her.

Huo Weiwu sat up furiously. However, she was feeling both pain and numbness in her mouth, so she did not want to speak.

Gu Haoting dumped a tissue box before her and watched her coldly. He said unhappily, "I instructed you to brush your teeth 100 times and you did just that. How obedient. In that case, why didn't you listen when I asked you not to look for Wei Yankang?"

Huo Weiwu grew vexed.

She thought, "He was the one who punished me in the first place, and now he is trying to ridicule me."

She grabbed the tissue box and threw it at him.

Gu Haoting evaded it dexterously. He sat down on her bed.

Huo Weiwu pursed her lips and grabbed a pillow so she could throw it at him.

There was a gleam in Gu Haoting's eyes as he pounced on her like an animal. He grabbed her wrists and easily pinned her against the bed with all the superior advantage he had over her.

He gazed down at her from above.

"You haven't realized where you went wrong, have you?" said Gu Haoting harshly.

"You bullied a woman—can you still call yourself a man? Go and deal with Wei Yankang if you have the capability!" Huo Weiwu raged. The moment she said that, her mouth started burning from the pain.

"I don't need you to tell me that!" replied Gu Haoting sternly.

He lowered his head and nipped her earlobe.

His breath fanned across her ear.

It was so ticklish that Huo Weiwu shuddered.

Gu Haoting examined her stubborn gaze. His eyes darkened as he said meaningfully, "You want to know if I'm a man or not, right? I'll fulfill this request of yours."

"What?" asked Huo Weiwu as she stared back at Gu Haoting.

The look on his face was peaceful even when he was clearly hiding something big. He grabbed her hand, placed it on his abdomen, and as though he was giving a command, said, "Do it."