It Hurts

"Sheng Ning, you—" Qin Cuifen wanted to skin Sheng Ning alive. She wanted to rush off the stage and rip up that b*tch's face.

"Goodness, how did this happen?" Everyone in the Art Troupe watched the scene in shock. All were at a loss for what to do.

As team leader, Lu Xiaoshuang was the first to break out of her trance. "Cuifen, hurry up and leave." Thanks to her reminder, Qin Cuifen didn't run off the stage to beat up Sheng Ning in her moment of madness.

The silent assembly hall broke into clamor, and Qin Cuifen's mind went completely blank. She couldn't even remember to hide backstage.

This was it. Her life was over. She was only wearing underwear in front of all these people. No matter what, she would be punished for being morally questionable. And after so many people saw her like this, how would she survive in the troops in the future?

Qin Cuifen's vision went black, and she passed out. Luckily, Yang Wenying rushed over. She stared at Sheng Ning with clear displeasure in her eyes, then put a shirt on Qin Cuifen's legs and ordered people to take her to the hospital.

Sheng Ning silently shuddered under Yang Wenying's gaze, but she didn't at all regret her actions. Qin Cuifen was the one who tried to set her up. In this life, she wouldn't be the brainless idiot that was used and framed by other people.

For a moment, everyone was busy taking care of Qin Cuifen, who had fainted, and no one paid any attention to Sheng Ning, who had fallen off the stage and couldn't get up.

Sheng Ning held her foot and silently sighed in relief. The more people who paid attention to her, the more embarrassing the situation. Qin Cuifen wouldn't be able to stay in the Art Troupe in the future, and Sheng Ning might get punished, too.

"Are you all right?" a deep voice said from overhead.

"I—" Sheng Ning raised her head and saw Xu Qigang's young, handsome face. She wanted to say she was fine, but instead she said, "It hurts." She looked very pitiful, like a cute little animal.

Xu Qigang knelt down and reached out a hand to inspect her ankle. It was swollen up like a steamed bun. His handsome brows furrowed into a frown.

When he touched her ankle, Sheng Ning quietly cried out in pain. Though Xu Qigang was a strong soldier, even he was sweating from anxiety.

Shen Jianguo walked over too and asked, "Comrade Sheng Ning, are you all right?"

Hearing Shen Jianguo's voice, Sheng Ning raised her tearful face, then lowered it again silently.

Sitting on the floor, she tugged on Xu Qigang's sleeve and said pitifully, "Take me to the hospital. I think my ankle is broken."

Xu Qigang saw that her slender ankle, which wasn't even the size of his own wrist, had swollen up like a turnip. He looked very upset. "Can you walk on your own?" he asked expressionlessly.

Sheng Ning snuck a peak at him, then said quietly, "I can't. It hurts a lot. I can't walk."

Xu Qigang helped her up from the floor. He was frowning, a hint of anger in his eyes. He was an old soldier who had gone to war and made it out of the mountains of corpses. Even a faint expression of displeasure on his face could scare someone off.

It would be a lie for Sheng Ning to say she wasn't scared. But when she recalled everything that happened in her previous life, she didn't want to live how she did before. She didn't want to let a truly good man go just because she was selfish and cowardly.

"Are you still a soldier?" Xu Qigang clearly despised her physical capacity.

"Yes, I'm an Art Trouper." Sheng Ning bit her lip stubbornly. She could have stood up if she insisted, but she didn't want to anymore.

"Carry me there."

Why was this man so cold and hard, like a stubborn rock?