Chapter 11

Sheng Ning stared at Zhang Hongmei in shock. She didn't expect Zhang Hongmei to be so clever when she looked so naive. "You knew I wouldn't get to eat that?"

"I figured. Leader looked very upset the entire trip here. Our General Union Ensemble really embarrassed itself this time." Everyone blamed Sheng Ning for the incident. There was no way they would treat her nicely. "But Sheng Ning, you were amazing. I thought you would get up and fight Leader, but you managed to calm her down with a few words."

Sheng Ning smiled bitterly. She learned this skill from all the adversities she suffered in the past life. She knew she had to bend when necessary. She was stupid in the past and liked to argue brainlessly. In the end, her reputation was ruined and no one wanted to associate with her.

Sheng Ning took the steamed bun and ate it bite by bite. Although it didn't even have any pickled vegetables in it, Sheng Ning still felt satisfied.

"Sheng Ning, do you know who brought you to the hospital?"

Sheng Ning's hand paused in the air, and an unnatural smile appeared on her face. "Who was it?"

"It was the devil incarnate!" Just mentioning this nickname made Zhang Hongmei's face turn pale. She looked at Sheng Ning respectfully and said, "Sheng Ning, you're so brave. You're the only girl in our entire Song and Dance Ensemble who dares to speak to the devil incarnate. And you... you even dared to let him carry you!"

Sheng Ning laughed at her funny expression. "My ankle was hurt. If he didn't carry me, what would I have done? Crawled over on my own?"

Zhang Hongmei's face was red with embarrassment. "Sheng Ning, how... how are you so brave?"

Sheng Ning didn't respond. She finished the steamed bun in a few bites, then picked up the kettle on the nightstand and poured a cup of water for Zhang Hongmei and herself.

'Not only will I make him carry me, but I'll also make him kiss me.' At this thought, a tender blush appeared on Sheng Ning's face. When she turned her head, she caught sight of a tall man walking past the window.

"He looks so familiar!" Sheng Ning couldn't care about the pain in her foot and got off the bed despite Zhang Hongmei's shocked cries. She leaned against the doorframe and saw a man disappear around the corner.

The man was big and tall and seemed to be around 190 cm. He had wide shoulders and a narrow waist. His neat clothes showcased his perfect waistline.

It was Xu Qigang. Why was he at the hospital?

Qin Cuifen's room was at the end of the hallway, and two other young comrades were also living there. When Lu Xiaoshuang entered with her crew, the two comrades' eyes lit up. Qin Cuifen was still crying with her eyes closed on the bed. She seemed to have been crying for a long time. She didn't actually faint at the evening party, but in that situation, it was the only thing she could do.

"All right. You're ready to leave the hospital." During the routine morning check, the doctor examined Qin Cuifen and wrote a slip for her to complete the procedures for discharge.

"Doctor, I'm very unwell. My head is dizzy, and my stomach hurts a lot," Qin Cuifen said delicately with a pale face.

She made such a fool of herself. How could she be so shameless as to return? She had to fake illness for now. No matter what, she had to pass this crisis.

It was all because of that sl*t, Sheng Ning. Qin Cuifen wouldn't let her off so easily.

The doctor saw her pale face and agreed to her request to stay at the hospital. After the doctor finished speaking, Lu Xiaoshuang couldn't stand it anymore. She loudly accused, "Qin Cuifen, you think you can just hide here forever?"

"Xiaoshuang, why are you here?" Qin Cuifen looked at her with feigned surprise. "Are you here to see me?"

Lu Xiaoshuang gulped. She felt like she should have checked the almanac before she left the house that morning.

The girl behind Lu Xiaoshuang lightly tugged on her sleeve and said quietly, "Xiaoshuang, let's go back! The General Union hasn't made an announcement regarding the incident yet. If we make a big commotion, it'll only come back to bite us."