
The two of them stood at the hospital gate for half an hour. Sheng Ning was growing drowsy from the sun, when suddenly a black Jeep stopped in front of them.

"Comrade Sheng Ning?" Shen Jianguo said, getting out of the car. He looked at Sheng Ning warmly.

"Shen Jianguo, why are you here?" Zhang Hongmei said, ecstatic. She elbowed Sheng Ning and whispered, "Your crush is here."

Sheng Ning smiled bitterly. She didn't know that Zhang Hongmei knew about her liking Shen Jianguo. But she didn't like him anymore. Whenever she thought about how he ended up marrying Qin Cuifen, she felt somewhat repulsed.

"I'm on an errand. I just happened to pass by," Shen Jianguo said. In reality, he came just to see her. Ever since she boldly confessed her feelings for him, she had taken over his thoughts, endlessly torturing him. At first, he thought he must have lost his mind. Why else would he think about an eighteen-year-old girl every day? But when he saw her fall off the stage yesterday, his heart nearly stopped beating. Only then did he realize he had a crush on this brave girl. Shen Jianguo stared at her with stars in his eyes. His gaze contained an appreciation that could not be concealed. How could she be so beautiful and so cute?

In the sunlight, Sheng Ning's pale and delicate skin was flushed red. Her big, watery eyes seemed to convey endless meaning. Shen Jianguo's heart slowly melted. "I'll give you two a ride back."

Sheng Ning subconsciously bit her delicate lip. Under Zhang Hongmei's expectant gaze, she nodded.

The Jeep drove past the hospital gate. Xu Qigang was in the courtyard speaking with the director of the hospital. He caught sight of Sheng Ning's face from the corner of his eye.

"Hey! Shen Jianguo, Shen Jianguo…" The hospital director shouted at the receding Jeep, but the man inside was too far away to hear him.

"That kid said he was coming here to see me," the hospital director said angrily. "Why did he leave without even greeting me?" When he finished talking, he realized the devil incarnate seemed to be in a bad mood too.

"Goodness me, I'm infuriated out of my mind," the hospital director said, shaking his head. "Chief Xu, you must come for an examination once a month. This is an order from above. If you keep putting it off, I'll have to tell on you."

"I understand," Xu Qigang nodded. The serious expression on his handsome, masculine face kept everyone away, and the hospital director was no exception.

"All right, all right. I won't nag anymore. All of you are so willing when there's a rescue mission, yet you avoid the hospital like the plague."

The hospital director stopped nagging and sent Xu Qigang away, then went inside with his colleagues.

This devil incarnate, Xu Qigang, was a recognized figure in the entire rescue field. He had just returned from a major rescue mission and was highly treasured by the Rescue Association. That was understandable. After all, he had great combat capacity, and the rescue team he led was the first official rescue team of the nation. He also didn't have any bad habits. He was a true talent for the country. The hospital director heard all about it. Although Xu Qigang came from the countryside, many officials wanted him for their son-in-law.

The hospital director recalled Xu Qigang's icy expression and sighed to himself. After the Economic Reform, society had changed. Young girls now liked men like Shen Jianguo. Most people were scared to death when they saw Xu Qigang.

Shen Jianguo drove the two girls to the General Union Ensemble. They were still a thousand meters away from the gate, but Sheng Ning made him stop.

"What's wrong?" Shen Jianguo furrowed his handsome brows and looked at her.