Looking For the Devil Incarnate

Sheng Ning stared at Qin Cuifen as if she wanted to burn a hole in her face.

"That old hag Yang Wenying went too far. It must be because she envies your beauty, so she's purposely bullying you."

Sheng Ning scoffed. How had she been so brainless in her previous life as to believe what Qin Cuifen said? Aside from the fact that Yang Wenying was nearly twenty years older than herself, Yang Wenying's background was impressive. She wasn't someone Sheng Ning could provoke.

Not only did Qin Cuifen push her on the stage, but she clearly wanted to ruin Sheng Ning's life. Since Sheng Ning didn't throw a fit, she would still have a chance to stay. If she did throw one, she would be asked to leave immediately.

"Cuifen, what do you think I should do?" Sheng Ning asked in frustration.

"You should go seek justice from that old hag!" The disdain in Qin Cuifen's eyes became more and more apparent. In the past, she would have concealed it in front of Sheng Ning, but now she didn't even bother.

Qin Cuifen thought, "This b*tch is just a dumb pig. She won't even know how I set her up."  

"I'm too tired today. I'll do it tomorrow."

Qin Cuifen saw Sheng Ning was convinced and left contentedly. She thought Sheng Ning was so shameless. She didn't even practice, yet she had the nerve to say she was tired.

"How shameless. Does she think she's a city girl? She's just a country girl," Qin Cuifen thought.

It wasn't that Sheng Ning wasn't sad about being punished. She was going to miss the opportunity to practice and perform, and Qin Cuifen would be the best performer after she left.

If this were her previous life, she wouldn't have been able to withstand the injustice. She would have fought against Qin Cuifen no matter what. But after all she had experienced, she wasn't as stupid as she was before. She wouldn't make a fuss just because someone else provoked her.

The next morning, Sheng Ning was woken by the wake-up horn, but Zhang Hongmei was long gone.   

Zhang Hongmei was diligent and hardworking. She worried that she wasn't good enough to stay in the General Union Ensemble, so she was always the first one to wake up every day. She cleaned, swept the courtyard, and made the rehearsal room sparkling clean.

Sheng Ning didn't have anything to do, so she packed her things and then went to look for Xu Qigang with the address she got from the transmission room yesterday. She wanted to ask him in person why he wouldn't marry her.

With only five bucks, Sheng Ning transferred three times. In the end, she saw a person driving a shopping car at the bus stop and got directions to the place.

"Hello, is Xu Qigang here?"

The person she asked, Liu Chun, was only sixteen or seventeen. Seeing Sheng Ning's beautiful face, he was so embarrassed he could barely raise his head. But when he heard the name "Xu Qigang," he immediately became energetic.

"You... you're looking for our chief?" Goodness! A girl was looking for that devil incarnate? And such a beautiful one, too!

Liu Chun had sharp eyes. He saw Sheng Ning was wearing a plain cotton outfit. Although it looked worn from washing, it was clean and neat. She probably came from Chief's hometown. He asked eagerly, "Miss, are you our Chief's younger sister?" She must be his sister. Why else would a girl look for Chief?

Sheng Ning was puzzled. "I'm from your Chief's hometown." She wanted to say fiancée, but father's letter said that Xu Qigang didn't approve of the marriage arrangement.

"You're not Chief's younger sister?" Liu Chun shook his head regretfully, and his eyes widened in surprise. "Could you be… our Chief's wife?"

Sheng Ning's face flushed red, which made her look especially beautiful. "Not... not yet!"

"Then you must be our future sister-in-law."