Picking Up a Small Wooden Bench

With that matter resolved, Sheng Ning rushed over to the village head's home. As soon as she walked over, she heard a man and woman quarreling, followed by the sound of something shattering and a child crying.

Goudan was standing outside the village head's home, and he stole a peek inside. When he saw Sheng Ning walking over to the house, he ran to her with a spring in his step.

"Pretty Sister, you're here too?" he asked, sniffing his snot back up his nose. Sheng Ning had the urge to wipe his nose for him.

"Yeah! What's going on inside?" Sheng Ning crouched down to be at eye level with Goudan.

"Well, they're fighting!" Goudan looked down. "My mom was fighting with my dad at home too. From what I heard, it's all because of Widow Zhang. She's a menace."

"Your father is the village director?" Sheng Ning asked in shock.

"Yeah! That's right! Isn't he awesome?" Goudan began to look very excited.

The corners of Sheng Ning's mouth twitched, and her heart felt heavy. If she had known that, she wouldn't have blurted out what she had for the sake of a moment's satisfaction.

"Indeed!" She showed him a thumbs-up, and Goudan beamed proudly.

Suddenly, Sheng Ning heard something whizz past her ear. She pulled Goudan toward her and turned around. A chopping board shot past her and landed not far from where she was standing.

Sheng Ning froze in terror when she saw the inch-thick chopping board.

Goudan remained blissfully unaware about what had just happened, and excitedly clapped his hands together. "They're fighting! They're fighting!" he exclaimed.

With that, he ran right inside.

Sheng An's voice could also be heard from inside. "Stop fighting! Stop fighting! You'll scare Xiaohong!"

Sheng Ning recognized her voice right away, and quickly ran inside.

She entered the front yard and realized it was indeed the village head's home. The place looked unassuming on the outside, but on the inside it was huge. At that moment, the front yard was filled with people. Everyone was watching in amusement as the spouses fought, and no one had any intention of breaking up the fight.

Sheng An held onto a little girl, who looked to be around eight years old, and wanted to break up the fight. But she was afraid for the child, and her face was white with panic.

"Stop fighting! Stop fighting! Someone might die if you don't stop!"

Qi Mei wasn't tall to begin with. She was easily flung to the ground by her big and tall husband, and he rained kicks and punches down upon her.

"How dare you kick up a fuss! How dare you make a scene!" The man stomped on Qi Mei's stomach. She arched her back in pain and curled herself up into a ball.

"Get up! Didn't you want to cause a ruckus? I'll show you what a ruckus is. I've had enough of you, you crazy woman. Let's get a divorce tomorrow." The man was unusually enraged, and when he saw that they had an audience, he became intentionally vicious.

He was the village head and the biggest man in the village. He could sleep with any woman he d*mn well pleased, including Widow Zhang! Now that this crazy b*tch had kicked up such a fuss, his days as the village head were numbered.

Since she had ruined him, he wasn't going to let her off so easily.

Qi Mei's face was ashen with pain. Blood trickled out of the corner of her mouth, and she curled up, motionless on the floor.

Sheng Ning didn't have time to think. She picked up a small wooden bench in the yard and rammed it hard against the nape of the man's neck.

She aimed her blow carefully. She had learned this trick while in prison. Hitting that spot could knock a person out without killing them.

The bench met its mark, and the man's body swayed from the impact. He turned around with a scowl on his face and threw a punch at Sheng Ning.

D*mn it! The blow would be powerful enough to crack her skull open!

A thought suddenly flashed across Sheng Ning's mind. She had calculated everything to a tee but had forgotten to account for her lack of strength.

She closed her eyes and braced for the impact, but, even after a long while, she didn't feel any pain. Instead, she heard something heavy fall to the ground with a loud thud.

Surprised, Sheng Ning opened her eyes just in time to see Sheng An drop a wooden stool from her hands in panic.