Dissolving the Betrothal

Sheng Ning smiled reassuringly at Sheng An. "Don't worry. It'll be fine." She placed her basket in the cart and then followed behind Li Cuihua.

The mayor's house was beside the township office. Throughout the whole journey, Liu Cuihua tried to chase Sheng Ning away by insulting her, but Sheng Ning persisted and continued to follow her.

Upon entering the house, they were met with the mayor's stern face. He was a man in his fifties, but because he didn't need to work in the fields, he looked a lot younger than many of the other villagers.

The mayor was momentarily stunned when he saw them, but he quickly regained his composure and said politely, "Ningning and An'an are here! Please sit down, and have lunch with us!"

Liu Cuihua's eyes widened when she heard this. "There isn't that much rice at home," she said reprovingly.

"Shut your d*mn mouth and get cooking." The mayor's face was emotionless, and Li Cuihua was visibly frightened. She shot Sheng An a dirty look, then turned around and headed into the kitchen.

Sheng Ning watched them silently, a cold expression on her face. She could tell who wore the pants and called the shots in this family.

The mayor's household and the Sheng family were actually distant relations, which was why her mom had asked them for help in the first place. However, a distant relation is in no way comparable to a son. An'an's marriage into this family would mean facing her mother-in-law's constant criticisms along with her husband's abuse and torture. There was no way she'd be able to survive it.

She looked around, but the legendary second fool was nowhere to be found.

Her movements attracted the mayor's attention. He asked without missing a beat, "When did you return, Ningning? How's life in the song and dance ensemble?"

"It's not too bad." Sheng Ning sat gracefully on the couch. She looked at him unflinchingly and spoke with just the right tone. "Uncle Liu, the main reason why I came here today was to thank you for the help you gave my family. Without it, I wouldn't have been able to make it into the song and dance ensemble."

"I was only doing my duty as a mayor," the mayor replied matter-of-factly, making no mention of the fact that his help had come at the cost of Sheng An marrying his son.

"Hearing you say that, I can tell that you're a really good mayor who genuinely cares about common folk like us. When I go back home, I'll be sure to make you a banner and send it to the township office."

Sheng Ning's words made Mayor Liu feel very happy, and he excessively praised her for her maturity.

Sheng Ning scoffed inwardly when she saw how smug he looked. The more she buttered him up now, the harder it would be for him to refuse her later.

"Uncle Liu, to be honest, there's another reason why I came today."

"What is it? Just tell me! We'll all be one family soon. I'll definitely help with whatever I can."

Sheng Ning patted Sheng An's hand reassuringly. Without changing her expression, she said, "You'll definitely be able to help with this. I'm here to dissolve An'an's betrothal." She didn't say she wanted to dissolve it; she said she was here to dissolve it. She made her intentions very clear.

"What did you just say?" The expression on Mayor Liu's face changed radically, and he abruptly stood up.

Liu Cuihua, who was hiding out in the kitchen, eavesdropping on their conversation, came rushing out. She pointed at Sheng Ning and said, "You b*tch! What did you just say? Our family helped you! Now that you got what you wanted, you're going to back out of our agreement? I'm telling you that will be impossible!"

"Auntie Liu, that's where you're wrong. Uncle Liu helped us because he's a good mayor who loves his people. He's a selfless man. How could you say that about him? If word of this were to get out, it would ruin his career."

Mayor Liu harrumphed coldly. He had underestimated the eldest daughter of the Sheng family. Not only was she sly, but she was also shrewd. Because he'd accepted her praise, it would be difficult for him to deny her request.

"Enough. Shut your mouth and stay out of this," Mayor Liu said angrily.