Patchwork Over Patchwork

"Mom, I owed this to An'an." At the thought that she was able to change the fate that An'an suffered in the previous life, she felt that the sacrifice was worth it.

"But… even if we work in the fields for the rest of our lives, we'll never be able to make five thousand yuan." Shen Luhua felt so sad that tears fell from her eyes.

"Mom, we'll work hard together. As long as we're alive, we'll find a way to earn the money."

"You're right." Shen Luhua wiped her tears with her sleeve. She summoned up her courage and said, "Don't worry. I'll work hard to earn the money." Her voice was thick and nasally from crying. "I'll head out with you tomorrow to sell the bean sprouts, and if sales still aren't good, I'll carry them from a pole on my shoulders and go village to village to peddle them."

When Sheng Ning heard her say that, a warm feeling enveloped her heart. After all, what is happiness? Happiness is loving someone and being loved twice as much in return. She was infinitely grateful to the heavens that she was given the chance to be reborn and to have the opportunity to cherish her loved ones.

"Don't worry about the money. I'll think of a way." She didn't want to add to the burden of this poor family.

"That won't do. All our hope rests on you! If you fail, we all suffer!"

"Mom, don't worry. I'll be successful, and An'an will also be successful in future. I still plan to have her enroll in university!" Sheng Ning's eyes sparkled at the thought of the bright future that awaited them.

Sheng An was eavesdropping on their conversation behind the door. When she heard what Sheng Ning said, she couldn't stop the tears from welling up in her eyes, and she rushed over, blubbering.

The next day, the whole family worked together to manage the bean sprout business. They not only held a family meeting, but also reallocated the workload.

Sheng Third would continue to work the fields, while Shen Luhua would learn how to grow the bean sprouts. Sheng An would be responsible for selling the sprouts in the marketplace.

When the soybeans were replaced with mung beans, business became a lot more brisk. In fact, many people from other villages came especially to buy them.

The wholesale delivery to the canteen was done punctually every week. Occasionally, they even brought some special local produce for the master chef. When their relationship became closer, the chef referred them to another chef who ran his own independent canteen.

The demand from these two canteens alone was thirty catties of bean sprouts every week.

Sheng Ning had originally intended to return to the song and dance ensemble to wait for news, but now that the whole family was working hard to earn money, she decided to postpone her return.

In any case, she knew that even though Yang Wenying's words were harsh, there was no way she'd really be dismissed.

After a fortnight, upon deducting the costs of the beans, their net profit was a grand total of ninety-eight yuan. The ten and fifty cent coins carried a lot of weight for the family. Although it was only loose change, it was enough to make all of them very happy.

"Ningning, you should go back tomorrow. Take a little more money with you this time." Sheng Third knew that his daughter was a spendthrift. Ever since she was little, whenever she saw another child with something she didn't have, she would throw a tantrum and demand it.

Now that she was able to earn her keep, he didn't want to be stingy with her anymore.

Sheng Ning took five one-yuan notes from the pile of money in front of her. "This is enough for me. The song and dance ensemble gives me a stipend every month, and my food and lodging are provided for, so I don't have to spend money on that."

The family was poor. When Sheng Ning came home this time, she realized that her parents' clothes were heavily patchworked. As for An'an, everything she wore was old hand-me-downs.

She couldn't be selfish and willful anymore. Her conscience would rear its ugly head if she took any more than that.

"No! That's too little," Shen Luhua said. "We can be thrifty at home, but not on the road. You need a bit of extra money with you, just in case. Besides, we're earning a steady income now, and the autumn rice harvest is fast approaching. We'll be able to sell that too."