Boss of JS Group

"I'll be waiting for you tonight!" Shen Jiayu said, turning around and strolling away.

After she got home from the police station, Song Wenxin locked herself in her room. She did nothing but simply stare blankly at the access card before turning to look at the clock, where the seconds were slowly ticking into minutes.

It was already after five in the afternoon.

In a couple of hours, she would have to present herself to Shen Jiayu.

But she did not want to go, and she certainly did not want to have any physical relationship with Shen Jiayu.

Just when she was feeling like the entire world had abandoned her, Song Wenxin suddenly remembered the man from the previous night.

Touching her lips with her hand, Song Wenxin remembered what the man had said when he handed her his business card.

Call me if you should need anything in the future.

Having recalled what he had said, Song Wenxin immediately rummaged through her things, searching everywhere for the gold business card from the day before.

After a long search, she finally found it.

It was a simple card comprising only his name and a mobile phone number. Nothing else.

Also, there was something about the material that the card was made of that surprised Song Wenxin. It was not made of ordinary paper but was rather hard and quite heavy.

Song Wenxin placed the card to her lips and opened her mouth to take a bite.

She was stunned to discover that the card was made of gold.

This was not the type of business card that the average man could afford!

"Jiang Beihan…" looking at the name, Song Wenxin hesitated.

She had no idea as to whether the man would make good on what he had told her the night before, or even if he had the capability to help her!

Then, she opened her laptop to research that man on the internet.

The search yielded results that shocked her.

Jiang Beihan, twenty-four years old. President and owner of the JS Group!

Song Wenxin was shocked, her mouth agape. Of course, JS Group was a name that everyone knew, and she was no exception!

In the domestic market, JS Group was regarded on an equal level to the SX.L Group and was hailed as the royalty of the commercial world.

That was to say that, domestically, apart from the SX.L Group, there was no organization that could compete with JS Group!

Much less that poxy little company owned by the Shen family!

It was finally clear to her why that jerk Shen Jiayu had tried to sell her to Jiang Beihan!

At that moment, Song Wenxin could see a sliver of hope on the horizon.

If Jiang Beihan was willing to help her, then her brother would definitely be saved! And the predicament that her family business was currently in would surely be resolved.

However, in the next instant, she looked crestfallen again…

The night before, before she left the villa, she had promised him that she would return once she had taken her revenge…

So, looking him up now would be like walking back voluntarily into the lion's den.

At that moment, two faces appeared in Song Wenxin's head. One was that of Shen Jiayu, while the other was that strikingly handsome face from the night before--the face that had, at first sight, caused her heart to miss a beat--the face belonging to Jiang Beihan.

"Oh, I don't care anymore!" Song Wenxin decided with a shake of her head. Clutching the business card in her hand, she dashed out of the house.

Right now, it didn't matter to her who it was, as long as it wasn't Shen Jiayu!

At least, there could never be anyone in the entire world who could disgust her as much as Shen Jiayu did!

So, once again, Song Wenxin was back in the neighborhood of luxurious, hillside villas. Based on her memory, she managed to locate the villa from the night before.

However, the security guard at the villa had refused to let her enter.

"I have a very important and urgent matter to discuss with Jiang Beihan. Please let me in!"

"No way!" The security guard refused to budge, his face expressionless and uncompromising. Song Wenxin stood there feeling anxious and frustrated.