Always by My Husband’s Side?

At the entrance to the Civil Affairs Bureau, the stone-faced dude opened the doors to the car and stood waiting for Jiang Beihan and Song Wenxin.

With the marriage certificate in her hand, Song Wenxin waved at him and said with a smile, "I don't need a ride from you. I will make my way home." She felt that she could finally relax now that her family's problems had been solved.

At her words, Jiang Beihan stopped in his tracks and looked at her with a frown on his face.

"Go home?"

"Yep, I can hail a cab home from here. Thank you so much for what you've done!" she smiled in all innocence.

"Which home might you be referring to?" he asked, eyebrows raised.

Song Wenxin was stunned by the question. What did he mean which home? She had only one home.

"My home, of course!"

"The Song family home?"


"Song Wenxin, can I remind you that, since we are now married, you'd have to be by my side always? Do you know what that means?" he asked patiently. Surely she should go back to his home, now that they were married.

"What do you mean?" asked Song Wenxin, looking at him in confusion. She had not grasped what he meant.

They were just married in name, so why should she be by his side?

"From now on, you must live in my house," he explained curtly and to the point since she had not understood what he meant.

Eyes wide opened, Song Wenxin stared at him in bewilderment. Did the arrangement mean that they had to live together under one roof, too?

"But, I must go home every day, otherwise… my p-parents will be worried…" she stammered as she tried to reason with him.

"That is not my problem. Get in the car!" he commanded, shooting a glance at the back seat of the sports car.

After a moment's hesitation, Song Wenxin got into the car.

Well, he did do her a big favor, so she should comply with his request.

Once she was safely in the car, Jiang Beihan followed suit and got in beside her.

With the doors shut, the sports car maneuvered its way out of the car park of the Civil Affairs Bureau and sped toward the villa in the hills.

Throughout the journey, he did not utter a word, relaxing in his seat with his eyes closed, head against the headrest.

All Song Wenxin could do was to sit tight and think about how she was going to explain to her parents why she had to stay out.

It was dark by the time they arrived at Jiang Beihan's villa.

Getting out of the car, Song Wenxin followed Jiang Beihan into the villa.

Although it was dark outside, the villa appeared to be dimly lit.

Besides that, the help were deadly quiet and inconspicuous, appearing only to greet Jiang Beihan when he returned, or to attend to specific requests from him. They were never seen wandering about the villa at any other time.

Although Song Wenxin had found this strange, she concluded that, since Jiang Beihan himself was such a weirdo, any odd behavior uncovered in the place where he lived would be deemed normal.

After he got home, Jiang Beihan headed straight for the dining room where he began to attend to work matters at the dining table.

Obviously, he was a very busy man.

"Sir, dinner is ready to be served," was spoken softly by one of the help, who approached him suddenly.

Having made the announcement, the help stole a startled glance at Song Wenxin, who had been sitting by the side.

Song Wenxin was puzzled by the help's look.

Jiang Beihan nodded.

"Can you lend me your phone, please? I need to call home," Song Wenxin asked, not wishing to hold off any longer.

It was already late, and if she did not call home soon, her family would get worried.

Glancing at her, Jiang Beihan called out, "Shangguan!"

Shortly, the stone-faced dude appeared in the dining room.

Looking at Jiang Beihan, he seemed to understand what he had to do and handed over the phone to Song Wenxin.