He Hated Doing This

Noticing that look, Jiang Beihan became extremely unhappy.

With a face devoid of emotion, he rose suddenly from his chair and looked at Shangguan, who was standing beside him.

In the next instant, he reached out suddenly and began to adjust Shangguan's suit.

Once again, Shangguan was shocked beyond words.

"Boss…" He wondered if he had done anything wrong for the boss to intimidate him like this!

"Stop whining!" Jiang Beihan sputtered irritably. He was tearing himself out inside here. To think that he had to resort to these antics, very much against his conscience, just so that Song Wenxin could feel reassured that he harbored no ill intentions toward her!

"There, it's all good now!" Jiang Beihan announced, retracting his hands and sitting back down.

Watching from across the table, Song Wenxin sent him a warm, friendly smile.

Although he absolutely hated doing what he just did, he was glad that the ploy had worked most effectively!

A short while later, Song Wenxin prepared to leave the villa together with Jiang Beihan.

While at the door, Song Wenxin discovered that her shoes had gone missing. She searched through the entire shoe cabinet but could not find them. All she found was a pair of low-heeled, knee-high boots.

Stunned and baffled, she asked the help, "Where are my shoes?"

"These are the boots to complement your outfit for today," the help explained.

Song Wenxin did not quite understand what she meant, but, since she had no time to spare, she did not argue and hurriedly put on the boots.

Fortunately, the length of the boots perfectly covered up any skin left bare by the flimsy clothes.

So, she definitely felt a lot warmer now.

Since Jiang Beihan had offered to give her a ride to school, Song Wenxin got into his car with him. However, during the journey, she began to worry about the inevitable scandal if she was spotted being driven to school in such a fancy car.

"Just let me alight at the bus stop not too far from the school, please!" Song Wenxin requested of Jiang Beihan's driver and lover as they got close to the school.

"Okay." Shangguan nodded and stopped the car at a bus stop not far from A-University.

Song Wenxin got out of the car quickly and sprinted into the university.

"Let's go," Jiang Beihan instructed after a long while, having watched the back of Song Wenxin disappearing slowly into the distance.

But the car did not seem to be moving.

Having sat in silence for a while, Shangguan turned around to Jiang Beihan, who was seated in the back seat, and asked, in his strong, unwavering voice, "Boss… erm, I'm wondering if I have done anything to upset you."

"Why do you ask?"

"Y-You're behaving very strangely today," Shangguan responded anxiously.

First thing in the morning, the boss had given him his own breakfast. Then, he had helped him adjust his attire…

If he had not done something to upset the boss, he would not have treated him that way.

Behaving strangely… hearing those words, Jiang Beihan looked embarrassed and gave a low cough.

"Nothing to worry about. You're good. Let's go."

"Yes, sir."

By the time Song Wenxin got to her class, she was already more than ten minutes late.

She had thought that she would be in deep trouble, but fortunately, because there was a problem with the equipment that was to be used to deliver the lecture, the class had been delayed by thirty minutes.

Having found herself a seat, Song Wenxin settled in and heaved a sigh of relief, marveling at her spot of good luck.

She had barely settled into her seat when, suddenly, a tall, formally dressed guy walked in.

"Is Song Wenxin here?"

Intrigued, Song Wenxin looked at the unfamiliar guy and raised her hand, saying, "I'm here."

The guy walked over to her immediately and politely placed a thermal food container in front of her.

"This fruit is for you!" the guy said, and then walked out immediately before Song Wenxin had had the chance to speak up.

She lowered her head to look at the fresh fruit, packed in a sealed container, and was puzzled.