Typical Nouveau Rich!

If the gift was not for him, then who was it intended for?

"I'm buying it for my brother… Why are you glaring at me like that? My brother's birthday is around the corner." Flustered by his intense look, Song Wenxin gasped involuntarily.

What was the matter with him?

"So, that's why you want to give him that tie?" Jiang Beihan clarified, his expression not looking any less sinister.

Song Wenxin nodded in all honesty.

In an instant, Jiang Beihan turned and walked into the men's store.

Stunned, Song Wenxin stood rooted to the ground for a while before she followed in his footsteps and went into the store.

By the time she got into the store, the sales assistant was in the process of wrapping up the tie in question and, having finished, handed over the package to Jang Beihan.

"Sir, here it is, all wrapped up."

Reaching out to accept the package, Jiang Beihan turned to leave the store when the sales assistant called out to him from behind.

"Sir, our store organizes members' events every month. Would you please leave us your phone number for us to contact you when we next bring in new products?"

"No need for that," Jiang Beihan replied curtly.

The female sales assistant looked a tad downcast.

Song Wenxin concluded that, if she had guessed correctly, the sales assistant was merely using the opportunity to get Jiang Beihan's phone number.

At the same time, Song Wenxin was amazed at the attention that Jiang Beihan had been getting. It appeared that, wherever he went, he would always become the person of interest.

Indeed, good looks meant increased popularity!

Then again, it would most likely be one of the reasons why he hated noise and commotion!

Song Wenxin followed Jiang Beihan out of the men's store. Eyeing the package he held that was holding the tie, she looked at in appreciation and said,

"Thank you for this. I will return the money when we meet again!"

"Why would you want to return the money to me?" Jiang Beihan asked, pausing and shooting her a quick glance.

"You bought the tie on my behalf, so, of course, I must return the money to you!" Song Wenxin explained.

"Who told you that I had bought this on your behalf?" he asked as he lifted up the package and looked at Song Wenxin with eyebrows raised.

Did he mention that he had bought the tie on her behalf?

"If you had not bought it on my behalf, then why did you buy it?!" Song Wenxin looked at him, perplexed.

If he had not bought it on her behalf, then who did he buy it for?

Giving a short laugh, Jiang Beihan said tauntingly, "I bought it for myself. Do you have a problem with that?"

"But you don't even like the style of this tie…" Song Wenxin protested, dumbfounded. He had just declared that he disliked anything that was too flashy, but now?

"I'm buying it for display at home!" Jiang Beihan retorted with disdain before turning around to walk away.

"Please don't. It would be a waste to buy for display at home. Why not give it to me? You detest flashy things, but I like them…" Song Wenxin pleaded, running to keep up with his big strides.

"That's my prerogative!" Jiang Beihan replied, sending her a glare, annoyance radiating from those dark eyes of his.

"Oh, why, for goodness sake?! You've bought it with no intention of using it. That is being wasteful!"

"I like being wasteful!" he replied brusquely, lips pursed.

Defeated once again, Song Wenxin felt her blood accumulating in her throat, ready to be spewed at any moment.

Talking to Jiang Beihan was so exasperating, making her want to spew blood at any minute!

He actually declared that he liked being wasteful! He would rather be wasteful than let her have that tie!

Nouveau rich! A typical example of new money!

Unscrupulous businessman!

Infuriated, Song Wenxin cursed a billion times at Jiang Beihan in her heart!

On the journey back to the villa in the hills, Song Wenxin was fuming with resentment bottled up inside her and looked very unhappy.

On the other hand, Jiang Beihan was looking very relaxed in his seat, toying with the box that held the tie, stealing occasional glances at the fuming Song Wenxin.