He didn't come back

At this moment in the office, the only sound was the rustling of leaves blown by the wind outside the window. Wen Xiangyang's cell phone ringing so abruptly not only caused Mu Lingqian to look up at her, but Wen Xiangyang herself was also startled by the sudden ringtone.

Wen Xiangyang quickly glanced at Mu Lingqian and reflexively pressed the end call button.

Mu Lingqian, "..."

Wen Xiangyang, "..."

As they locked eyes, Wen Xiangyang tried to laugh it off, "Young Master Mu, you're busy. I won't disturb you anymore. Or..." her eyes flicked towards the door, "should I go first?"

Mu Lingqian just stared at Wen Xiangyang, uttering not a word.

The intensity of his gaze made Wen Xiangyang's skin crawl. If it wasn't for Mu Lingqian's weird and terrible temper, she wouldn't have to be skittish and act like she's doing something underhanded.