Unanswered Phone Calls [174]

After threatening Wen Xiangyang, Chen Yunxi hung up the phone. Without hesitation, Wen Xiangyang's first reaction was to call Yan Ge. Did Chen Yunxi think she was a fool? If she went alone, wouldn't it mean certain death?

However, when Wen Xiangyang called Yan Ge, the caller ID displayed was not Yan Ge's but his fiancée's—Zhang Ziyue's.

The moment Zhang Ziyue saw 'Xiangyang' on the caller ID, she immediately hung up without a second thought and erased the missed call record.

When her call was suddenly cut off, Wen Xiangyang seemed to understand something.

However, this matter was related to Yan Xin, so there was no room for hesitation.

She dialed Yan Ge's number again but, like before, her call was cut off immediately.

Having no other choice, she quickly typed out a text message and sent it: "Miss Zhang, Xiao Xin has been kidnapped. Please tell Ge Ge and have him send help. Location: The abandoned factory on Cheng Nan Feng Xian Road."