【242】Accompany her to the supermarket

Mu Lingqian shot a cold glance at Xiao Q who immediately stopped its attempts to act cute. Instead, it sat upright with its feet on the ground, tongue still lolling out.

It wasn't trying to poke out its tongue - it was just its natural state.

Wen Xiangyang sensed Mu Lingqian's gaze on her from behind. She stiffly straightened her posture and placed Mu Lingqian's breakfast in front of his seat.

Sitting in an uncomfortable silence, Wen Xiangyang sneaked peeks at Xiao Q on the floor. Each time their eyes met, Xiao Q stuck out its tongue at her.

Wen Xiangyang could not help but start laughing, careful not to let Mu Lingqian notice.

In the past, she always wanted to own a big dog. In college, she even rescued one, but it was nowhere to be found afterward – as foretold in the previous storyline, it was killed by Lin Hao.

Later on, she was too busy, and besides, she couldn't afford it. The food a purebred dog required was much more expensive than what she ate.