Zhao Yunfan was tied to a chair in the room, covered all over in blood. His face had already been beaten beyond recognition, his clothes slashed and hanging raggedly from his body, with countless streams of blood flowing down from his wounds.
In the hand of Mu Chaoyang was a knife. She just stared blankly at Zhao Yunfan. A rag had been stuffed into Zhao Yunfan's mouth, preventing him from uttering a single word. He didn't even know why Mu Chaoyang was treating him this way.
When Mu Chaoyang had first entered the room, he thought she was there to bail him out. But, to his shock, Mu Chaoyang had him tied to the chair and then began slicing pieces of flesh off him as if she was torturing him.
From his initial shock to questioning, then pleading and being silenced by Mu Chaoyang, he remained confused about what had happened.