So What If I Slapped You?

Gao Ying was slightly moved by her mother's words.

Her eyes flashed with agony by the end of her speech.

She took a deep breath and said defiantly, "I'm not leaving, Mom! I understand what you say, but I just can't do it.

"I only love Bro Dazhu and no other man. Bro Dazhu is poor, but that's OK. We have hands and feet and we can earn a living. We might suffer now, but we will have a bright future.

"Mom, didn't you say that you and Dad were poor when you married him? But aren't you fine now?"

Mrs. Gao was stunned and had no response to that.

"Silly girl, times are different now, so how could your situation be the same? You don't have to suffer but why do you insist so? Is it that easy to earn money? Your Bro Dazhu isn't very educated and can only do menial work. Is there a future in that?"

Shi Dazhu stood aside and silently listened to it all. He gritted his teeth and displayed an expression of agony.