Wang Changsheng

"Phew! I'm spent!" Taoist Master Chang Qing fell sitting on the ground. He looked fatigued.

His cultivation level was the lowest among the three, and the intense battle had tired him.

Tang Hao and Shabby Taoist Master had higher cultivation levels and therefore did not feel the strain. They regained their strength after taking a breather.

"That's a lot of dumplings! I counted about forty of them. Even at such a place of blight, it should still take hundreds of corpses to produce this many dumplings." Shabby Taoist Master said as he scanned the area.

The cave floor was a mess, covered with charred, disfigured zombies.

Tang Hao's jade talismans possessed a lot of power and could burn a zombie to a crisp. However, the two other Taoist masters' talismans had lesser power and could only disfigure them.

Of course, after being burned by talismans, the zombies became deader than dead.