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The atmosphere in the hospital room was tense.

Tang Hao stood in front of the bed. He gently picked up a golden needle and pierced Auntie Zhang's abdomen with it.

Each golden needle pierced a meridian point. He gently spun each needle and channeled the qi in his body in Auntie Zhang's body, which stimulated the meridian points and gradually repaired her kidneys.

Auntie Zhang's kidneys were seriously damaged. Repairing them required a very long amount of time.

Tang Hao repeatedly twisted the golden needles and channeled qi through them.

Three hours later, the first signs of recovery were observed. He completed the procedure another hour later.

Auntie Zhang's kidneys had recovered certain functions and were working again.

That was the most crucial step in the procedure. With the kidneys' functions restored, the illness was all but cured. Modern medical technology could bring her kidneys back up to normal working condition.