A Man From the Agency

"So that's the situation now. Howard Ma is dead. You ought to be mentally prepared! Don't hope that the people backing you can bail you out of this. No one can save you when it comes to a matter of life and death!" The police officer said.

"I'll give you some time to prepare your statement. Don't leave out any details from start to finish, and be honest!"

Then, he leaned back on his chair, closed his eyes, and waited.

The police officer had the intuition that the case would be difficult indeed. The background of Howard Ma and the kid in front of him were very powerful. They were not normal people.

He realized that he must have been involved in some sort of power struggle.

'There's nothing to be afraid of. I'll just treat this case just like any other. No one can say anything if I do everything by the law. I'll just wait for the kid's statement and the hospital report,' he thought to himself.