Joining the Agency

Director Bai and Taoist Master Qian Ji were incredibly excited when Tang Hao finally agreed to join them.

"We're colleagues from now on, Fellow Cultivator Tang. Pleased to be at your service!" Taoist Master Qian Ji said as he shook hands eagerly with Tang Hao.

"Come, let's go and celebrate this joyous event," Director Bai clapped his hands and said happily.

Tang Hao got into the jeep and they left the police station.

The three people went to a restaurant and had a lavish meal.

Tang Hao had a better understanding of the mysterious agency after chatting with them for a while.

They left the restaurant at about ten o'clock at night. After saying goodbye to the two, Tang Hao returned to the nightclub to retrieve his car.

He had left his phone in the car. He noticed that there were many missed calls. Some were from Sis Xiangyi, some were from Liu Bingyao, and there was one from President Ling.