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Knock knock!

Someone knocking on the door pulled Tang Hao's thoughts back to the present.

He turned around and sat in front of his table. "Come in!" He shouted.

Liu Yan opened the door and walked in.

"Chairman!" She greeted him.

"Please sit down!" Tang Hao said with a smile as he pointed at the chair in front of him. "How is it your first day? Are you used to your new position?"

Liu Yan smiled. "It's not bad! It's just that I feel a bigger responsibility now. This is a group of companies and not just a single company like before."

As the most veteran employee of Haotian Co. Ltd., Liu Yan was promoted to be the president of Haotian Group. She was placed in charge of all the subsidiary companies.

Meanwhile, Haotian Co. Ltd. promoted a veteran employer as its manager.

As Liu Yan spoke, she seemed excited.

The first reason was because of her promotion. She had never dreamed of being the president of a group of companies.