The Parents Are Here

"Wow! That's a Lamborghini! That's a Ferrari!" 

Everyone exclaimed in surprise.

Those luxury cars were eye-catching. Usually, any single one of them would attract a crowd, let alone so many of them appearing together.

The convoy stopped near the crowd, and numerous figures came down.

They were all fashionably dressed young men in their twenties, and some of them were decked out in name-brand clothes. Clearly, they had rich parents.

Many black sedans stopped behind the luxury cars. Men dressed as bodyguards came down one after another.

"Which one of you bastards dare to bully my younger brother?" 

A well-built young man dressed in a blue suit walked up to the crowd. He yelled loudly with an unfriendly expression.

"You're finally here, Big Bro!" 

Chang Yunfei was so excited that he rolled and crawled over on all fours.

"Whoa! Who are you?" 

The young man in the blue suit was shocked and almost kicked him away.