She is really my wife

Tang Hao spent the entire morning in dragonrock village, chatting with the two elders.

In the past few years, dragonrock village had changed a lot. It had developed better, and the villagers had become richer. It had become a well-known village of tyrants.

He met his first uncle and heard that Dazhu's son was already in college. Tang Hao felt a little emotional.

By the standards of the cultivation world, he was very young now. However, in the secular world, he was not young anymore. He was already in his forties, which meant that he was middle-aged.

When the two elders asked him when he wanted a child, Tang Hao smiled wryly.

There was really no other way. The higher one's cultivation level was, the lower the chances of them being able to produce the next generation.

"It seems like I have to work harder!"

Tang Hao mumbled.

Tang Hao even went deep into the mountains to find the place where he had planted the Lingzhi and ginseng.