Marquis Wutian was dumbfounded

After passing through the passage, a vast world appeared in front of them.

This was no different from an ordinary small world. The only difference was that this small world was filled with colorful and dazzling lights.

Upon closer inspection, these were all pills, all kinds of pills.

These pills flew in groups, shuttling back and forth between the mountains and forests. With a single glance, it was impossible to count how many there were.

As soon as the alchemists entered, they impatiently pounced out, each displaying their magical abilities to grab these medicinal pills.

After they caught the pill, they would carefully examine it and identify the type. If it was what they needed, they would put it away. If it wasn 't, they would put it back.

"All of you, come over here!"

As soon as Marquis Wutian entered, he used his saintly powers and grabbed all the pills in the surroundings. They all surged toward him like a tidal wave.