Sovereign Taixu proposes

The immortal world was once again in an uproar.

A few days ago, that young celestial venerable had just defeated two old celestial Venerables and caused a sensation in all directions. This popularity was at its peak and hadn't subsided yet. Now, he had done another incomparably sensational thing.

One move to scare off Dragon King Tian!

This battle result was even more impressive than the previous one.

This was because Dragon King Tian's strength was far higher than that of Xu mi and dark night.

They didn't even really fight. They only exchanged a simple move. It was said that he only took a blow from Dragon King Tian and scared him away. This sounded a little mysterious and had a hint of legend.

"He defeated two Holy Masters with one palm and scared off Dragon King Tian with one move! It's too awesome!"

"Such an achievement has never been seen in history!"

The people of the world exclaimed in admiration.