Chapter 0001 Winning People Over with Virtue

Ye Wudao was holding an old rattan suitcase and clad in clothes of an indeterminable era, with his pant legs rolled halfway up and his feet adorned in a pair of red women's flip-flops, standing at the entrance of Jewelry Group Company. Observing the employees coming and going, his eyes, shifty like a thief's, scanned their bodies non-stop, and he was murmuring to himself.

A female employee wearing glasses happened upon him while carrying a cup of coffee and couldn't help but curse upon seeing his attire, "Crazy."

Ye Wudao startled at the woman who had called him crazy, scaring her into hurriedly fleeing into the Jewelry Group Company premises.

However, the female employee failed to notice the glass door ahead, and with a loud bang, her face smashed right into it, spilling her coffee and immediately causing her tears to stream down from the pain as she held her bright red nose and ran inside the Jewelry Group Company in a very disheveled state.

"Oh yeah!"

Ye Wudao struck a victory pose behind her, cheerfully straightened his clothes, then, with the old rattan suitcase in hand, put on a gentlemanly demeanor and swaggered through the entrance of the Jewelry Group Company.

No matter how much he primped or carried himself with lofty strides, his '80s attire, the flip-flops on his feet, and the suitcase that could have time-traveled back to old Shanghai, all deeply betrayed his identity.

"Excuse me, sir, this is the headquarters of Jewelry Group Company, and outsiders are not allowed in," said a burly security guard, stretching out a hand and, without a hint of courtesy, directly blocking his path.

"I know, but I am not an outsider," Ye Wudao replied, straightening up and speaking to the guard with a courteous smile.

Regardless of how gentlemanly or polite he tried to be, the security guard was not about to believe him – a man dressed in ragged clothes, holding a grandmother's rattan suitcase, having the audacity to proclaim he was not an outsider of Jewelry Group Company, what, did he take him for a blind man?

"Sir, whether you're an insider or an outsider, you cannot enter. Please leave immediately." The guard's tone had turned decidedly less friendly.

The CEO was due to arrive any minute, and if she saw this beggar-like figure causing a scene at the company's entrance, he could very well lose his well-paying job. There was no way he would be pleasant to him.

"I really am an insider... Oh well, I am not afraid to tell you, I am your CEO's fiancé. But you mustn't tell anyone, okay? It's a secret," Ye Wudao said, giving the guard a secretive wink as he spoke in a sly manner.

After hearing this, the guard's expression darkened, and he firmly retorted while pointing a rubber baton at Ye Wudao, "You're the CEO's fiancé? Then I'm the father of the Jade Emperor. Scram! If you don't scram now, I'll throw you out."

"Hey! Why don't you believe me, you bumpkin? I really am your CEO's fiancé, and if you don't let me in, believe it or not, I'll have my wife fire you..." Ye Wudao spoke arrogantly.

"Fiancé, you say? I'll show you what it means to be a fiancé!"

The guard had lost his temper, raising the rubber baton to strike Ye Wudao, angrily threatening him.

Ye Wudao furrowed his brows, as he hadn't lied; he was indeed the fiancé of the CEO of this so-called Jewelry Group Company. Why wouldn't this man believe him?

As the baton swung towards him, Ye Wudao's hand shot out, and somehow the rubber baton ended up in his grasp. Then, he placed it on the bewildered guard's forehead, causing the man to break out in a cold sweat.

"No repeats, okay? The old man doesn't want me bullying people outside, tells me to be more gentlemanly, to win people over with virtue. I'll let it go this time, consider it a grown man not holding a grudge against a small fry."

Ye Wudao removed the rubber baton from the guard's forehead and spoke to him with utmost seriousness.

"You rotten beggar, so you've come here to make trouble, have you? Just wait, I'm calling someone over to deal with you right now!" Clearly intimidated by Ye Wudao's mysteriously quick hands, the guard reached for his walkie-talkie, ready to call for backup.

Just then, a black Mercedes-Benz business vehicle rolled up to a stop at the entrance of Jewelry Group Company. The rear door opened, and an elegant and noble woman stepped out.

Her black hair, slightly curled, cascaded down, exuding a sense of lethargy and rebellion. With a frosty expression and imperial aura, she spoke in an icy tone, facing her was like facing a block of ice.

"What's happened here?"

This woman, expressionless, exuded an aura of authority, making her every word feel chilly, as if one was confronting a glacier.

And who was this impudent man that had appeared at the entrance of her company? Clothed in attire that only someone from the '80s would wear and carrying an old rattan suitcase, even the clothes worn by migrant workers on the street were better than his. How could her security allow anyone in? It seemed necessary to reorganize the security department.

"President Song, good day."

The guard that had been arguing with Ye Wudao became visibly shocked at the sight of Song Yuhan, immediately stood at attention, and saluted her.