Chapter 0004: To be a Man is to Stand Tall and Upright

Seated on the sofa, when Song Yuhan saw the shirtless Ye Wudao, she screamed abruptly and added a new rule on the spot: he must dress properly at home.

Ye Wudao could only pout in response. What's the big deal about not wearing a pair of underwear? It's not like he wasn't wearing anything at all. Still, he went back to his room, got dressed, then came out again.

But when Song Yuhan saw that he was still wearing that set of 80s clothes from earlier in the day, she couldn't stand it any longer. She already had a mild case of germophobia, and tolerating this guy moving in was her breaking point. The sight of those dated clothes on him made her want to rip them off.

"Ye Wudao! Don't tell me this is the only set of clothes you have!" cried Song Yuhan, nearly losing her mind.

"Er... seems like it."

When Ye Wudao left, he didn't bring any clothes. What decent clothes could one have living deep in the mountains? He usually just wore underwear, jumping around freely. Even if he did wear clothes, they'd fall apart in no time.

"I have to go back to the company later. I'll have my assistant come over and take you out to buy a few sets of clothes. You are not allowed to wear these outdated clothes anymore when you go out," said Song Yuhan as she stood up.

"No way, the old man said that as a man you have to stand firm and upright..."

Ye Wudao hadn't finished speaking when Song Yuhan interrupted him, frustrated, "You can't spend a woman's money, right?"

Ye Wudao nodded with an innocent look on his face, while Song Yuhan felt an urge to stomp his annoying face flat. She grabbed the car keys from the table and, without wanting to take another glance at him, turned and walked away, saying, "Consider the money for clothes a loan from me. You can pay me back when you have the money."

Before Ye Wudao had a chance to agree, Song Yuhan had already driven off, seemingly unwilling to spend even a second longer with him. Watching her car disappear in the distance, a mischievous smile crept onto Ye Wudao's face as he said, "Old man, you were right, the outside world is indeed fascinating. I like it."

After Song Yuhan left, Ye Wudao felt bored and didn't know what to do. Just then, he heard the doorbell ring... Ding-dong, ding-dong.

Opening the door, Ye Wudao saw a woman in black business attire with glasses standing at the entrance ringing the doorbell. As she looked up and smiled sweetly, about to speak, she suddenly saw Ye Wudao's face and froze.

"Why is it you?" Ye Wudao and Qin Xiaonan exclaimed at the same time.

This woman ringing the doorbell was the same one who had called Ye Wudao a stinking hooligan that morning, the "32B airport." Qin Xiaonan also recognized that Ye Wudao was the creepy lecher standing in front of her company's door earlier that day, embarrassing her.

"Why can't it be me, Airport Girl? What are you here for?" Ye Wudao straightforwardly came up with a new name for her.

"You stinking hooligan, you're the Airport Girl! I... I..."

Qin Xiaonan was too angry to speak. Just about to explode, she suddenly remembered the task assigned by the president. Could it be that this guy was the distant relative the president mentioned?

"You must be Mr. Ye, right? I'm the assistant to President Song. My name is Qin Xiaonan. President Song has instructed me to take you shopping for clothes," Qin Xiaonan said, holding back her anger and forcing out an extremely awkward smile.

"Oh, Airport Girl, so you're Xiao Han's assistant."

Ye Wudao almost let the word "wife" slip out, but then he remembered the three rules Song Yuhan had laid down and hastily corrected himself. He didn't want to break those rules and be kicked out.

"I - am - just - that."

Qin Xiaonan nearly clenched her teeth as she forced out the three words, yet regrettably, she truly didn't dare to offend this guy unless she no longer wished to work at the Jewelry Group Company.

"So, you're here to take me shopping for clothes?" Ye Wudao looked at Qin Xiaonan and asked with a smile.

"Yes, Mr. Ye, the car is ready. We can leave at any time." Qin Xiaonan had an urge, just like Song Yuhan, to stomp his face flat.

Xintiandi Shopping District, thriving with commerce and bustling with people – here, various brands' clothing stores stood in great numbers, including both domestic and international big brands; as long as you had the money, there was no clothing you couldn't buy.

When Ye Wudao got out of the car wearing clothes from the eighties, he immediately became the person with the highest head-turn rate in Xintiandi Shopping District, bar none.

Those passing by all avoided him, as if he carried the plague, and from time to time, one could hear a comment or two, "How can a beggar get into this upscale shopping street?"

"Hard to say, it might be some sort of performance art. Isn't retro style popular now?"

"Retro? I dare you to go retro for me to see."

The person who mentioned Ye Wudao's retro look glanced over his eighties outfit, eventually shaking their head without the courage to speak up again.

Following behind him, Qin Xiaonan wished she could be as far away from him as possible. Although all the voices and gazes were directed at Ye Wudao, she felt as if she too had been implicated.

Since it was the president's arrangement, Qin Xiaonan didn't dare to take him to those makeshift clothing stores but led him into a Versace specialty store for men's fashion.

Qin Xiaonan entered the store smoothly, but Ye Wudao, following behind, was stopped by an employee of Versace.

"Go on, get out... This isn't a place for you. If you want to beg, go somewhere else," the employee said disdainfully and dismissively as he shooed Ye Wudao away.

"I'm not here to beg; I'm here to buy clothes," Ye Wudao said, without getting angry, pointing to the clothes inside the store. After all, the old man had instructed him to be a gentleman and win people over with virtue when outside.

"Hahaha... What did you just say? I'm sorry, I didn't hear you clearly," the employee burst into laughter when he heard Ye Wudao saying he was there to buy clothes.

"I said, I'm here to buy clothes," Ye Wudao inhaled deeply, continuing to maintain what he considered a gentlemanly smile.

This time the employee laughed even louder and looked down at Ye Wudao with an air of superiority, saying with intense disdain, "You're here to buy clothes? Do you have any money? Do you know how much the clothes inside cost per piece? If you accidentally soil one, I doubt you could afford it for the rest of your life."

"I can't take it anymore, I really want to punch this snooty guy's face. No! No! I must stay calm. The old man said be a gentleman, win over with virtue..."

Ye Wudao tried desperately to calm himself down and with a smile and what he thought was a gentlemanly demeanor said, "Hehe, don't worry, I don't have money, but my wife is loaded."

"You scoundrel, who is your wife."

Qin Xiaonan thought that Ye Wudao was referring to her and internally cursed him, but she really couldn't just ignore him; if the president found out, she would be fired without question.