Chapter 0008: Running into the Gun Barrel

The Universal Jewelry Group Company is a jewelry company with a modest reputation in the industry, boasting a significant size with branches in several places across Southeast Asia. Their main business is the production and design of jewelry.

However, just a few days ago, Ling Shaomei, the chief designer of the design department at Universal Jewelry Group Company, suddenly defected to their arch-enemy, Tiffany Jewelry Group Company, without any prior indication, catching Song Yuhan completely off guard.

Because on the fifth of next month is the annual Asian Jewelry Expo, and the well-regarded Universal Jewelry Group Company certainly wouldn't miss such a great opportunity. Therefore, they planned to launch a new jewelry design at this exhibition to enhance their renown.

Yet, just at this critical moment, the chief designer responsible for jewelry design, Ling Shaomei, chose to defect, and to a rival company no less. What did this imply? Even a fool would understand.

It meant that the jewelry design plans Universal Jewelry Group Company intended to showcase at the exhibition were now in the hands of the competitor. And with all the design plans spearheaded by Ling Shaomei, her departure not only caught Universal Jewelry Group Company off guard, but also rendered the entire jewelry design scheme invalid.

Of course, Universal Jewelry Group Company could completely resolve the issue through legal action, preventing their rival from using their jewelry design plans. However, even if they engaged in litigation, there simply wasn't enough time. If their rival managed to upstage them at the jewelry expo, Universal Jewelry Group Company stood to lose more than half of their business.

Moreover, Tiffany Jewelry Group Company weren't fools; they must have anticipated this and would surely have a contingency plan. Even if it came to a lawsuit, without dragging on for three to five years, it would be impossible to win—a cost Universal Jewelry Group Company could not afford.

Just as Song Yuhan was in the midst of her fury, her secretary walked in and said softly, "President Song, that distant relative of yours who came to the company last time is here again. Shall I bring him up?"

The meeting today hadn't gone smoothly at all, everyone wearing a somber expression. For a while, no one could come up with a good solution, and they all received a severe scolding from Song Yuhan.

Song Yuhan was even more troubled, and upon suddenly hearing the news of Ye Wudao, her irritation multiplied. She simply ended the meeting then and there, standing up with a cold expression, "Alright, that's it for today's meeting."

Her statement, at that moment, was like music to the ears; it allowed the employees in the meeting room to breathe a sigh of relief. Song Yuhan, the ice queen CEO, was no joke. When she kept silent, she appeared like an iceberg, exuding a chilling aura all over. Especially when she was angry, nobody dared approach her.

Not much later, Ye Wudao was brought up by the secretary. He pushed the door open, only to find Song Yuhan with her back to him. Ye Wudao was about to greet her warmly when, before he could speak, he heard Song Yuhan's icy voice, "Why are you here? Haven't I told you not to come to my company looking for me again?"

"Wife, I came to..."

Ye Wudao's initially enthusiastic approach was immediately extinguished by Song Yuhan's frigid words. He was cut off mid-sentence when Song Yuhan suddenly lashed out at him.

"Shut up! Who said I was your bride? Do you think you have what it takes to be Song Yuhan's husband? My husband needs to have unparalleled talent and extraordinary ability. Do you have that?"

"My husband should have supreme strategy and true scholarship. Do you have that? He needs to be someone I can look up to, worship, who can strategize for me when I'm in trouble, shield me from the wind and rain, and be the man of my dreams. Do you have what it takes?"


Faced with Song Yuhan's barrage of questioning, Ye Wudao's face turned from red to green. He wanted to say that he did, but he truly didn't have those things now, for they were never what Ye Wudao sought.

"I... I don't have them now, but I will work hard to become the man of your dreams," Ye Wudao gritted his teeth.

"Hahaha...You don't have them now, yet you speak of the future. The clothes you wear were bought with my money, the place you live is mine, everything you eat and drink is mine. You want to marry me? Fine. If you can earn a million on your own within a month, I'll let you court me."

Song Yuhan released all her work frustrations onto Ye Wudao, deliberately making it difficult for him. Not to mention him, even Song Yuhan herself would find it hard to earn a million in a month without the company. Who asked him to turn up at her doorstep right when she was most irritable?

Her words were indeed harsh, causing a flash of anger across Ye Wudao's face. He was about to storm out when he caught sight of Song Yuhan's slightly lonely figure. For some reason, he couldn't bring himself to leave.

Ye Wudao opened the wicker box he had brought, took out a thermos wrapped in a towel, and gently placed it on her desk. "I accept your challenge. If I can't make a million within a month, our engagement agreement will be automatically voided. Oh, and I noticed you haven't been home in days and have developed some acne. So I made you some heat-dispelling soup. Drink it while it's hot. I'm leaving now."

Seeing no response from Song Yuhan, as if she were an iceberg, Ye Wudao had no choice but to close the wicker box, pick it up, and leave her office. It was only after he walked out of the Worldwide Jewelry Company that he finally exhaled the pent-up frustration.

It seems that if he wants to conquer this 'iceberg bride' of his, relying on her won't do. Well then, as a man who stands tall in this world, I refuse to believe I can't earn a million in a month. Since I promised the old man, I can't go back in disgrace and give him a reason to laugh at me.

With this in mind, Ye Wudao made a resolute decision to earn a million within a month to show his bride. He was determined to break through this iceberg.

Ye Wudao went back the way he had come. The guy didn't have a dime in his pocket and couldn't afford to take a cab. He had to rely on walking, but fortunately, this distance was a mere trifle for him.