Chapter 0017: Ye Shaman

"If I could make thirty thousand just by spouting nonsense for a few sentences, what about ten people? A hundred people... wouldn't that mean I could quickly make a million?"

Ye Wudao's eyes gleamed mischievously, like the stars in the sky, instantly filling him with excitement. He no longer planned on looking for a job.

The con artist from before had no real skill at all, and yet he could earn thirty thousand so easily. Ye Wudao, on the other hand, had genuine talent. Could he not do better than a con artist?

Ye Wudao grew more and more excited as he thought about it, and he began to take action. In a nearby alley, he found a piece of cardboard, then borrowed a pen from the owner of a nearby store, and on that cardboard he sloppily wrote a few words: "Home Feng Shui; Dragon Seeking and Acupoint Touching. Healing the sick; Exorcising evil and averting disaster."