Chapter 0014: The Young Master of Nanyang

Yet Ye Wudao seemed somewhat innocently caught in the situation; after all, he truly didn't know how to operate an elevator. Last time it was Song Yuhan who had handled it, and besides, he always felt that iron cage was unsafe, preferring the stairs which he believed to be faster.

"Stinky guy, dead bastard, country bumpkin..."

After emptying the contents of her stomach, Qin Xiaonan, with tears in her eyes and lacking in strength, leaned against the restroom wall and cursed out Ye Wudao, that dead bastard.

After unleashing a torrent of abuse, Qin Xiaonan felt a bit better. She moved her foot and found that it had indeed healed quite a bit; at the very least, walking was no longer a problem.

"That country bumpkin, bastard Ye Wudao may be a bit of a bastard, but his unique skill is pretty good, pah! Why should I be grateful to him? It's all that bastard's fault."

The slight hint of gratitude toward Ye Wudao that had just begun to emerge was immediately squelched by Qin Xiaonan. After all, every single thing was that dead bastard Ye Wudao's fault.

After collecting herself, Qin Xiaonan left the restroom only to see Ye Wudao still sitting on her sofa. She irritably said, "Country bumpkin, why haven't you left yet?"

"I have nowhere to go tonight," Ye Wudao said, making himself comfortable in the sofa.

"You have nowhere to go, what's that got to do with me? This is my home," Qin Xiaonan went nearly ballistic.

"Hey, airport girl, I just helped you heal your foot injury. Could you let me stay here for the night, please?" Ye Wudao said with a pleading look.

"No way! There's no room for discussion, get out right now."

Qin Xiaonan insisted resolutely. She lived alone in this apartment and would have to be out of her mind to let this lecherous wolf stay over.

"How can you be so heartless? At least I helped you heal your foot injury."

Ye Wudao grumbled dissatisfied. The black ointment he had taken out earlier was incredibly precious, and he usually hesitated even to use it himself. Yet, this airport girl seemed utterly ungrateful.

"Forget it, I'm a grown man and can take care of myself. I won't die from holding in pee. If this place doesn't welcome me, others will," Ye Wudao thought to himself, stood up, grabbed his wicker case, and prepared to leave Qin Xiaonan's apartment building.

Qin Xiaonan suddenly realized something was off and asked, "Country bumpkin, don't you live at President Song's place? How come you don't have anywhere to stay?"

"Well, uh... I moved out, and I didn't bring any money with me," Ye Wudao said, embarrassed to admit that he had been mooching off Song Yuhan's hospitality.

"Serves you right! I bet President Song kicked you out, didn't he?" Seeing his evasive attitude, Qin Xiaonan felt a delightful sense of vengeance fulfilled.

"It's not like that at all, my wife wouldn't bear to kick me out; it was my own choice to leave," Ye Wudao said with a lack of confidence.

"Hahaha... What did you just say? Wife? You're saying President Song is your wife? Come on, Ye Wudao, stop talking nonsense. Every employee at Universe Group Company knows that you're a distant relative of President Song. You must have annoyed her, and that's why she kicked you out, right?"

Qin Xiaonan immediately and triumphantly exposed his lie, feeling utterly satisfied at the rare sight of this bumpkin at a loss. It was indeed a moment of sheer delight for her.

"Yu Han really is my wife; why won't any of you believe me?" Ye Wudao said with a headache.

"Keep blowing smoke, I could say that I'm the godson of the Li Family, but people have to believe it for it to count, right? Our President Song is the belle of Nanyang, the goddess in the hearts of all male employees at Universe Group Company. Do you have any idea how many people are pursuing our President Song?" Qin Xiaonan mocked Ye Wudao.

"How many people?" Ye Wudao suddenly became nervous when it was about his wife.

"At the very least, there are enough to fill the entire Chang'an Street. The roses sent to her office every day could fill up ten garbage bins. I remember one time, a real estate businessman worth over a billion was quite fond of our President Song. He sent her roses every day, always nine hundred and ninety-nine of them, and they were freshly air-flown in from New Zealand every day. Take a look at our President Song, will you?" Qin Xiaonan said with envy on her face.

"What about it?"

The more Ye Wudao heard, the more anxious he became, muttering to himself, "It's not good if my wife is this popular. No, no, it seems I have to make a million within a month."

"What else could she do but throw them straight into the trash. In the end, even the trash heaps at the company were overflowing, and we had to call for a garbage truck to take it all away," Qin Xiaonan said, her voice tinged with envy.

"That's a relief, at least my wife knows to keep to her marital vows," Ye Wudao breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that Song Yuhan had not accepted the advances of the billionaire suitor.

"However, I heard that Li Junshuo is also pursuing our President Song. If it were him, it would be a case of a perfect match in both talent and beauty," Qin Xiaonan said, her face alight with infatuation as she mentioned Li Junshuo.

"What? Who the hell is that Li Junshuo, daring to compete with me, Ye Wudao, for a woman? I'll annihilate him," Ye Wudao instantly said with a murderous look.

"Please! As if you could do anything to him. Even one of Li Junshuo's leg hairs is thicker than your waist. He's the Eldest Young Master of the Li Family from Nanyang, born with a silver spoon in his mouth. The Li Family is truly a prestigious clan in Nanyang. And what's most important is that Li Junshuo is only twenty-five this year. He's young, wealthy, comes from a great family background, and is a high-achieving graduate from Stanford, the Prince Charming of every girl in Nanyang," Qin Xiaonan said, her eyes sparkling as she spoke of Li Junshuo.

"Alright, why am I wasting my time talking about this to a country bumpkin like you? You're not even from the same world as Li Junshuo; you wouldn't understand," Qin Xiaonan said as she realized she had been talking to someone who didn't even know how to use an elevator for far too long, and even she shook her head feeling it was pointless.

"Ye Wudao, do you really have nowhere to stay tonight?" Qin Xiaonan asked, feeling a bit sorry for him as he looked like a homeless vagrant, her tone softening.

Ye Wudao nodded. If he had a place to go, he wouldn't be wandering the streets. Hearing the change in the airport girl's tone, he immediately put on the most pitiful expression, looking at her with eyes akin to a homeless puppy—the epitome of forlorn.