Chapter 0028: Perfect Art

"It's so beautiful! So perfect! So stunning! President Song, your jewelry design is the most exquisite I've ever seen. It's simply art; it will drive every woman crazy for it."

The speaker was a man in a suit and leather shoes, probably only about thirty years old, wearing a pair of gold-rimmed glasses. He held the jewelry design drafted by Song Yuhan in his hands, and couldn't stop voicing his admiration, as if trying to exhaust all the praise he could muster.

"Kang En, I need you to use the quickest speed and the best quality to turn the designs on the draft into real products." Despite the plethora of praise, Song Yuhan still maintained an icy demeanor, seemingly untouched by anything in this world.

"Sure, no problem, just give me a week, and I'll ensure it's perfectly realized in this world. I can't wait to get started."

Kang En had clearly grown accustomed to Song Yuhan's attitude and didn't show any discomfort.