Chapter 70: The Giant Strikes from a Thousand Miles Away

"I know, Grandpa, I have something else to take care of, so I'm going to go now," Qu Xiaoyue seemed suddenly to think of something as she spoke while running off.

"You girl, always rushing off like that... Didn't you say you were going to keep me company?"

Before Qu Xingguo could finish his sentence, Qu Xiaoyue had already run off without a trace, leaving him bemusedly speechless.

"Yu Yan, are you free right now? I have an urgent matter and need to see you…" Qu Xiaoyue spoke into her phone while walking outside. Just now, Grandpa had mentioned that if Ye Wudao really were a martial arts master, he might have left some clues on Ma Biao's body.

It wasn't long before a roaring Lamborghini pulled up in front of Qu Xiaoyue. The car door slowly opened upwards, and a woman in high heels stepped out from the Maserati. She first bent over to touch up her lipstick in the car mirror before gracefully approaching Qu Xiaoyue.