Chapter 0072: Not Just Ordinary

"I've already hired a lawyer for you, and I have to attend the exhibition this afternoon. Ye Wudao, thank you for saving me."

Song Yuhan still wore that icy demeanor, even when she expressed gratitude to Ye Wudao, her face remained devoid of any emotion, as if she was discussing something that had nothing to do with her.

"You don't need to hire a lawyer for me; I'm fine. Oh, Xiao Han, I've already made a million," Ye Wudao said excitedly.

"I know."

However, Song Yuhan showed no expression. She simply said she knew and then stood up and left the place. Ye Wudao was somewhat puzzled by what she meant.

But since she didn't verbally oppose, it meant she hadn't rejected him. Did that mean Song Yuhan was giving him a chance to pursue her? With this thought, Ye Wudao quickly became happy again, even humming a tune in the detention cell.