Chapter 77: The Martial World Has Always Been There

"Where does anyone celebrate a birthday by sending a coffin? This person is clearly here to cause trouble."

For a moment, the guests inside the Qu Residence started discussing loudly, all eager to find out who this Ma Hong was. To have the audacity to bring a coffin as a present to Qu Xingguo's grand 80th birthday celebration.

None were more infuriated than the people of the Qu Family; it was their patriarch's grand 80th birthday, and to have someone gift a coffin was an omen of bad luck. Xiao Yue was already shaking with rage.

"Who are you people, daring to cause a disturbance at my grandfather's birthday banquet? Everyone, get down with your hands on your heads to be checked." If it weren't for the fact that it wasn't her shift, Xiao Yue would have probably already pulled out the handcuffs to lock them up.

"Old Master Qu, is this how you treat your guests? I must say, it's very disappointing!"