Chapter 83: Performing Arts, Not Selling Oneself

"Ye Wudao, you stop right there!"

Seeing that Ye Wudao refused to acknowledge, Wang Yuyan burst out with a shout, her two feet in high heels stomped on the ground, and with agile movements she got in front of Ye Wudao to block his way.

"Miss, what on earth do you want? better not do anything rash, I am...I'm in the business of art, not of selling my body," Ye Wudao said, clutching his chest like a frightened rabbit, shivering as he looked at her.

Wang Yuyan's face turned dark instantly. What nonsense was this guy spouting? Did he truly not know, or was he feigning confusion? If Ye Wudao really was a martial artist, there was no way he wouldn't recognize Dexiang Hall.

"I told you, I'm not a police officer, you don't need to worry," Wang Yuyan observed the expressions on Ye Wudao's face but, unfortunately, she couldn't make anything out.