Chapter 165: Escape to Heaven

Even if Ye Wudao was incredible, he had no way to dig an escape route out of the ancient tomb with his bare hands. The original tunnel had taken Tang Hongsheng and his workers nearly a month to excavate, which gives an idea of its difficulty. So, the only thing they could do now was to try to conserve their strength and wait for rescue from outside.

By this time, three days had already passed, and their food and drinking water had long been depleted. The lack of food was manageable, but the water was a significant problem. These archaeologists were not survival experts; they couldn't get by on just a tiny amount of food and water each day. If they couldn't break through the tunnel by today, they would be in danger.

"Xiao Pei, here's the water for you."

Ye Wudao gave the little water he had left to Xiao Pei. With his strength, he could hold out a day or two longer than an average person, so he saved his water for her.

"What about you?"