Chapter 194: The Flood Swept Over the Dragon King Temple

Iron Man was sent flying with a kick from Ye Wudao, much to his own surprise, and even Yu Yan, standing beside him, hadn't anticipated it. Seeing Iron Man get hit, Yu Yan, as his comrade, naturally wouldn't stand by and watch, and immediately yelled and attacked Ye Wudao.

However, she seemed to have forgotten that Song Tianqi had once mentioned Ye Wudao was a skilled fighter, or perhaps she didn't believe Ye Wudao was really that skilled. She even tried to use a grappling technique on Ye Wudao, aiming to subdue him.

She didn't consider that Iron Man, being an A-level warrior, couldn't even dodge Ye Wudao's kick, and here she was, a B-level warrior, plainly asking for a beating. Ye Wudao mistook the two of them as assassins and was hardly going to be polite to her.

"Seeking death!"