Chapter 0202 The Shadow that Drifted by in the Middle of the Night

The house had, after all, been inhabited by leprosy patients, and it was best not to touch the things inside if avoidable. The three of them cleared out some space by removing items from within the house. Then, Lao Huang found some firewood by the stove, brought it over, and ignited a bonfire.

The sudden storm that had just sprung up soaked their clothes, and now, by the bonfire's red glowing light, which starkly contrasted the darkness outside, they took the opportunity to dry their garments.

Wu Tong and Lao Huang only had to think about the numerous leprosy patients that might have died here to feel a chill run down their spines. They were not as bold as Ye Wudao. In fact, they were needlessly worried, for with Ye Wudao present, there was no reason to fear, whether the leprosy patients were alive or dead.