Chapter 0204: Secret Mission

Ye Wudao was not a defender Taoist, but if there really was a zombie inside that mountain cave, then Ye Wudao still needed to eliminate it. He only hoped that the zombie inside would not be of a high level because if it were, he would have no choice but to flee in terror.

Once zombies had cultivated to a high level, they would gain intelligence. They wouldn't hide in the deep mountains and forests, and some could even hide among humans, making it impossible for you to distinguish their identity.

Fortunately, such high-level zombies that had cultivated to an advanced stage were rare, and they would go to great lengths to hide their identity so as not to be discovered. Ye Wudao, when he was young, had once dealt with a high-level zombie hiding among humans with the old man. However, that was all thanks to the old man's efforts. Ye Wudao was still a child at the time; he was merely there to witness and certainly didn't have the ability to confront a high-level zombie.