Chapter 0223: Alive Jade and Dead Jade

"Hello, sir. What kind of jade are you looking for?"

A sweet voice rang out from behind Ye Wudao, and he saw a very young female clerk appearing behind him, softly asking him.

"Oh, I'm just casually browsing."

Ye Wudao turned around and smiled at her.

"It's you, Big Brother Ye."

The moment the female clerk saw what Ye Wudao looked like, she immediately called out his name, her face showing a touch of surprise.

Ye Wudao also felt that the female clerk seemed very familiar, but couldn't remember where he had seen her. Seeing that Ye Wudao didn't remember, the female clerk quickly reminded him, "Big Brother Ye, have you forgotten? We met on a train before. I am Zheng Hui, and there's another girl named Bei Xiaoxuan."

"So it's you, hey, I remember you're a university student, aren't you? Why are you working here?" Ye Wudao suddenly recalled the girls called Zheng Hui and Bei Xiaoxuan.