Chapter 0236: Cowardly Fear of Death

"Cannon Fist, huh? Interesting. Do you want to fire another round?"

Ye Wudao looked at Da Fei, smacked his lips, and revealed a gleaming set of white teeth as he asked him.

Da Fei felt as if his heart was a jumbled mess of emotions. He cradled his broken arm, his expression a mix of panic and shock. He didn't even understand why this had happened. He felt that Ye Wudao's strength wasn't greater than his own, so why was he able to break his Cannon Fist?

However, Da Fei didn't dare to accept another challenge. His Cannon Fist had been easily destroyed by Ye Wudao with a single punch, and he didn't even know why. His right arm was now broken in three places—if he didn't seek treatment promptly, he feared his hand would be finished. Forget about firing Cannon Fists; he might even have trouble masturbating.

"I... I surrender."